
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Masebo urges protection of whistle-blowers

Masebo urges protection of whistle-blowers
Written by Ernest Chanda
Sunday, February 22, 2009 3:51:41 AM

CHONGWE member of parliament Sylvia Masebo has proposed that Parliament formalises the offices of the first lady and vice-president's wife. And Masebo called for the protection of whistle- blowers.

Debating a motion on the Office Of the Vice-President in Parliament on Thursday, Masebo observed that women married to presidents and vice-presidents played an important role in the success of their spouses.

"I want to submit that the women that are married to these men that have become presidents or vice-presidents play a big role in ensuring that their husbands succeed. It is therefore necessary that we begin to formalise these issues," Masebo said, amid shouts of hear, hear from other parliamentarians. " that we can have a vote under the wife of the vice-President or at least the wife of the president. There is no need to pretend. From experience, we have seen how much work these women have contributed in making their husbands succeed. Therefore, let us formalise these offices and ensure that the resources are put there."

At this point, Kalomo member of parliament Request Muntanga shouted: "what about our wives?"

As Masebo debated the motion, there was laughter in the House and her debate further attracted comments from other members of parliament on both sides.

Masebo argued that it was in fact the women that did most of the work to make their men succeed.

"...Most of the men who are seated here [in Parliament] were not going to be here had it not been for their wives," Masebo said as other members shouted “hear, hear.” "In fact, it is the women that do most of the work for these people. Even when the vulnerable people go to homes of Honourable members of Parliament, it is the wives that cook, entertain and assist these elected men.”

She called on government to seriously consider reflecting on the issue and allow the public to debate it.

"I think that it is necessary that we look at our own culture. What is the culture that has been developed over the years? We have seen the women do a lot of work on behalf of or in support of their husbands. Therefore, I think that government should seriously begin reflecting on this issue and the public should debate this issue whether indeed, first ladies should be sleeping dormant and just enjoying themselves or indeed, should be participating by helping their husbands as has been the trend in the last few years that I have seen. I remember Madam Vera Chiluba was very good when she was first lady in terms of assisting the vulnerable. Mrs Maureen Mwanawasa was equally very good in assisting the vulnerable and I think both women...," Masebo said as opposition parliamentarians shouted 'Mama Betty Kaunda'! "I do not remember Mama Betty. I am sure she did something. I was still young that time. I was not alert to what was happening, but all I can say is that since she was also honoured, I am sure she did a lot of work as a first lady. Therefore, I think that it is important that the vote is considered in the future."

And contributing to debate on a motion on the Public Service Commission on Friday, Masebo called for those in public offices to be disciplined.

"Whistle-blowers must be protected. It is also important that those in public offices live above board. Leakages will always be there for as long as those given a chance to lead this country find themselves doing wrong things. The moment these people [public servants] become responsible, then leakages of public information will stop. As leaders, we must try to be or to be seen doing things the right way and this will stop leakages in the public service," said Masebo.

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