
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

MDC ban supporters from wearing party regalia

MDC ban supporters from wearing party regalia
Written by Kingsley Kaswende in Harare
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 9:43:36 AM

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) has banned its supporters from wearing party regalia at Wednesday celebrations for the swearing-in of its president Morgan Tsvangirai as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe.

President Mugabe is today expected to swear-in Tsvangirai along with his two prime ministerial deputies, Prof Arthur Mutambara and Thokozani Khupe, as the three Zimbabwean political parties move to implement the power-sharing agreement they signed on September 15, 2008.

This follows the unanimous passage of the Constitution Amendment Bill No. 19 by both houses of parliament last week. The Bill was on Monday sent to President Mugabe for assent before it becomes an Act of Parliament.

By press time yesterday, the president was yet to append his signature to the Bill.

Following Tsvangirai’s swearing-in today, a huge party has been organised to be held at a stadium in the showgrounds. However, a statement from the MDC secretariat yesterday stated that party members would not be allowed to wear party regalia.

“No party regalia will be entertained at the event as this is not a party occasion but a major national event. This will be a historic occasion for the country. It marks the beginning of a new era; the final miles of a journey to a new Zimbabwe,” the statement said.

It said arrangements were at an advanced stage for the event and thousands of people from all over Zimbabwe were expected to gather at the Glamis arena, where Tsvangirai would address them at noon.

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