
Sunday, February 08, 2009

MMD gives Rupiah acting presidency

MMD gives Rupiah acting presidency
Written by Patson Chilemba
Sunday, February 08, 2009 7:51:23 PM

MMD spokesperson Benny Tetamashimba and Catherine Namugala yesterday opposed Katele Kalumba's proposal for the party's legal committee to brief the national executive committee (NEC) on the procedure for filling in the presidential vacancy.And the NEC elected President Rupiah Banda as acting party president until the next convention.

Well-placed MMD sources who attended yesterday's NEC meeting at State House revealed that the legal committee headed by Bwalya Chiti could not be allowed to give a report on the procedure for filling in the MMD presidential vacancy.

National secretary Katele Kalumba said he had a report which he feels should be tabled. Katele proposed that the legal committee should give a report on the procedure for filling the vacancy but Teta was the first to shoot it down and then [tourism minister] Catherine Namugala," the sources said.

"They [Tetamashimba and Namugala] said we should conduct this meeting according to what is laid down and that is electing the president. There was a feeling that they [legal committee] might say something that would disadvantage us from electing President Banda."

After the opposition to Kalumba's proposal, the provincial NEC officials who sat on one side applauded and Mabenga then said the meeting would go the other route without getting a brief from the legal committee.

The sources said when President Banda was finally declared MMD acting president, Namugala rushed from where she sat to congratulate him by putting powder on his forehead.

The sources said soon after President Banda was elected acting president, he proposed that Vice-President George Kunda be made party trustee, a proposal, which NEC approved unanimously.

"But when the President proposed that Austin Liato should become party vice-treasurer, there was quietness in the meeting. Then Katele Kalumba told the President that 'you need to write to me so that it can be on the agenda next time'," the sources said.

During the same meeting, the sources said works and supply minister Mike Mulongoti and Tetamashimba asked why Kalumba was personalising the issue of Luapula Province where the executive committees were dissolved.

The sources said Maybin Mubanga also raised issues, saying the decision to dissolve the executive committees was illegal.

"But Katele said that he consulted and did not make that decision alone," the sources said.

And when contacted to confirm if he shot down Kalumba's proposal for the legal committee to brief NEC on how to go about filling the presidential vacancy, Tetamashimba said the matter was not on the agenda.

He also denied having confronted Kalumba over the Luapula Province issue.

"If the one who told you can agree to be quoted, then you will find out what happened. It's a perception," Tetamashimba said.

And addressing the press at the MMD secretariat yesterday after the NEC meeting, Kalumba said he hoped to work at establishing new disciplinary structures on how to handle party members who seem to go overboard with their statements.

Kalumba also said MMD did not treat President Banda like a god.

During the same briefing, Tetamashimba announced that NEC had unanimously resolved to elect President Banda as acting party president.

Tetamashimba also said the NEC elected Vice-President Kunda as party trustee.

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