
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Munkombwe’s note to Teta strays in Parliament, tickles opposition

Munkombwe’s note to Teta strays in Parliament, tickles opposition
Written by Ernest Chanda
Saturday, February 14, 2009 4:27:27 AM

THERE was drama in Parliament on Thursday when Kantanshi member of parliament Yamfwa Mukanga raised a point of order on whether Southern Province minister Daniel Munkombwe was in order to propose two names of MMD cadres as board members of the Southern Water and Sewerage Company.

This was after Mukanga came across a note that Munkombwe had written to local government minister Benny Tetamashimba, informing him about the proposed names which Munkombwe had forwarded last year to then local government minister Sylvia Masebo.

As Mukanga read the contents of the note, the House burst into laughter with jeers and shouts of 'shame' from opposition members of parliament.

On the outside, the note read: 'Hon B. Tetamashimba MP.' And the contents read as follows: "Hon minister. Before your predecessor left the ministry, I had submitted 2 names for inclusion to the Southern Water and Sewerage board. The names are Mr Mwendapole of Livingstone and Mr Enock Kasonkomona of Choma. Do you have some information [on] these names because they are strong MMD. Y[our]s Daniel Munkombwe GCDS," read the note.

After reading the note, Mukanga laid it on the table of the House, but Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Mutale Nalumango overruled the point of order, arguing that the note was not an official document.

Upon learning that the note had landed in wrong hands, the seemingly disappointed Munkombwe folded his arms and smiled as opposition members of parliament burst into laughter, while some MMD members of parliament including some Cabinet ministers defended Munkombwe as they shouted: "What is wrong with that?"

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