
Monday, February 16, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Billy Kaunda disappoints ‘lovers’

Billy Kaunda disappoints ‘lovers’
Emelyn Nyoni 15 February, 2009 07:42:00

Musician-cum-politician Billy Kaunda virtually messed up an appealing finale to the Valentine’s Day when he failed to show up for the highly fired-up Valentine Music and Comedy Show in Blantyre.

Advertisements had been flying in the media until the day of the show that Kaunda, dismissed last week as deputy minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Culture, would be among the performers to entertain cheery couples at the French Cultural Centre (FCC) as they wrapped up couples’ Day.

The night show was organised by the deadly duo of Edgar Njovu and Davis Kachere, well known as Edgar and Davis, who are shooting a DVD for their forthcoming album.

Apart from the twosome, Kaunda was to also join the youthful Mwanza-based gospel artists Tingo and Khemeng’ene of the famed gospel hit Ambuye Muwapatse Moyo, veteran Giddess Chalamanda and comedians Winiko Theatre Company.

As the enthusiastic audience that painted the FCC’s Auditorium red and white waited patiently to witness Kaunda’s return to public performance after missing on stage because of his ministerial status, a statement came from Davis that almost disturbed the jovial patrons.

“We would like to apologise that we were supposed to be joined by Honourable Billy Kaunda but he has failed to make it… As you know he now resides in Lilongwe, he has communicated to us that he would have loved to be here but due to some pressing matters he has failed.”

The statement did not go down well with the fans who had parted with K1000 (couples) and K500 for singles as they started booing and apparently lost curiosity of the whole affair.

The auditorium was filled to capacity to the extent that scores of patrons had to watch the proceedings while standing.

But Kaunda’s absence was effortlessly absorbed with some nicely-blended jokes from director of ceremonies Jermiah Mwaungulu’s, an accomplished actor, who has performed with a number of great local artists like late Du Chisiza Junior, late Getrude Kamkwatira, Frank Patani Mwase, among others.

Wwhen Tingo and Khemeng’ene stormed the stage audience’s spirits were already down. But despite being their first public performance the youthful Mwanza based gospel singers did their best.

They were the only ones to be given a second chance on stage but this time specifically to do their masterpiece- Ambuye Muwapatse Moyo.

Renowned stand up comedian Bon ‘Winiko’ Kalindo was as usual in his best when he came on the stage with his mind-blowing comedies.

Edgar and Davis dished out some of their new pieces like Wamgenda galu and Tachangamuka lero from their–yet-to-be-released album which left the entire room. Gidess Chalamanda was featured briefly in Zubwera mochedwa.

“At least they contained the situation because people had lost interest after that announcement that Billy would not perform. People felt cheated but at the end of the day we are going home with our partners happy people,” said one teenager identified as Shakenda as people trouped out of the hall.

According to their advertisement, lucky couples were expected to go away with hampers worth K10 000 courtesy of Candlex Limited which was unfortunately not given to anybody.

But nobody was readily available to explain why the hamper was not given despite their pledge as they rushed to the dressing room.

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