
Monday, February 16, 2009

Rupiah’s govt plots to arrest M’membe, Nchito

Rupiah’s govt plots to arrest M’membe, Nchito
Written by Staff Reporters
Friday, February 20, 2009 6:29:00 PM

A plot by Rupiah Banda’s government to arrest and silence Fred M’membe and Mutembo Nchito using the dealings of Zambian Airways has been exposed.

Intelligence sources have disclosed to The Post that President Banda and his government have been plotting to arrest Post editor M’membe and Zambian Airways chief executive officer Mutembo using the airline’s inability to meet its financial obligations with National Airports Corporation as a pretext.

“Before the end of this weekend, Fred and Mutembo are supposed to be picked up, arrested and charged for theft by agent,” the source said.

“This charge will arise from the debt that Zambian Airways owes National Airports Corporation. It is said that Zambian Airways, as an agent for National Airports, collected departure fees from passengers but never passed on the money to National Airports. So Mutembo and Fred will be arrested as directors.”

The source said M’membe, and Mutembo – who is one of the key prosecutors on the Task Force against Corruption - were also being pursued in connection with Zambian Airways dealings with the Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ).

“It is said that Zambian Airways borrowed US $5 million from DBZ and used two planes worth US $1.2 million as collateral. This is said to be an anomaly although it not clear how the charge will be framed. But they are also saying that Zambian Airways did the valuation of the two planes. This is said to be irregular because someone else should have done the valuation.”

However, the source said these arrests were aimed at weakening The Post.

“I want you to know that President Banda and his people believe that their greatest obstacle is The Post. They see The Post as their biggest threat and they are ready to do anything to get rid of it,” said the source.

“They believe that if they can’t get rid of The Post, at least they should neutralise it. And it is expected that M’membe will be neutralised after the arrest and therefore the government will have some breathing space.”

The source also said Mutembo’s arrest would enable President Banda to derail the prosecution of former president Frederick Chiluba.

Zambian Airways suspended operations almost two months ago due to financial difficulties.

Last week, communications and transport minister Dora Siliya said she was waiting to hear from the Attorney General’s chambers on when a commission of inquiry would be appointed to establish how Zambian Airways directors spent the money they obtained from DBZ.


  1. Anonymous7:13 PM

    1)I think we need to be made to understand how and what delinquency on this loan has to do with the Govt. I am very sure the Govt is also delinquent on a number of loans from donors which we as common Zambians have not even benefitted from and most of those debts were even forgiven.Normally when a loan is given most of the times the financial institution/bank is only interested in getting back their money with interest unless it is a financial institution which wants to see the actual Development, then DBZ has failed in putting measures and controls to ensure that the loan is used accordingly because then DBZ was supposed to purchase and procure whatever it is Zambian Airways need directly, an asset funded loan which was supposed to be their security but if they were just given money and they ZA is delinquent then they need to work a payment plan with them.

    2)Developed countries are ahead of us they know that there are risks in businesses and in life sometimes things do not work out as intended they have put bankruptcy laws in place to cushion such effects. It’s high time Zambia started coming up with such strategic measures and plans to counteract such situations and not just take things personally.

    3)How many companies have fallen in the same situation in Zambia? If the Govt wants accountability then it would only be fair to do the same with all the other companies and individuals in Zambia who have been and are in the same situation, there should be faireness across the board and not just singleling one company as this will be seen as discrimination. If we are moving into an era of accountability that’s fair and good, infact we need to start with the Govt there are billions of kwacha’s that have missappropriated and we need investigations and accountability for all this. The auditor General’s reports revealed that billions of kwacha have not been accounted for by the Immigrationa and FRA and govt has done nothing, i am sure that report is just gathering dust. This crusade over accountability should be accross the board and not on just select individuals who cause pain to the Govt.

    4) Lastly we need focus on this accountability crusade let the Govt finish with the Minister of Transport and Communication then other cases should follow including the Govt itself otherwise we will thik the Govt is not serious and just wants to play games with Zambians by diverting our attention on issues that need to be tackled one at a time.We need a focussed and Smart Govt. We want to see transparency in Zambia in all areas .God bless Zambia.

  2. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Contd In the case of ZA not passing on departure fees to national Airports Coorporation that is a failure on National Airports Corporation itself why haven't they put in measures and controls to ensure that agents who collect money on behalf of the passengers pay them the money before passengers depart from their airport. Those are loopholes they have created themselves and they are suffering from inadequate controls and measures they need to change their system. They need to work a payment plan with Zambian Airways to collect those funds. It would also be good for National airports Corporation to educate the zambians on how they operate so that if there are no competent Strategic Managers to put in measures and controls we as Zambians can brainstorm and offer advice to them. In the end we need competent people to be managing such Departments so that we avoid such situations happening because proper measures and controls would be instituted. God bless Zambia.
