
Monday, February 16, 2009

Sale of parastatals worries DPI

Sale of parastatals worries DPI
Written by Agness Changala
Monday, February 16, 2009 5:05:10 AM

In a statement yesterday, DPI Zambia media and strategy coordinator Richard Musauka stated that the privatisation programme had failed to provide solutions to poverty challenges in the country.

“We therefore urge the government to suspend the strategic plan for the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry for 2006 to 2010,” Musauka stated.

He also has expressed sadness with continued privatisation of companies even when the privatisation programme of 1990 left sufficient scars from such harsh economic restructuring systems.

Musauka stated that the performance of privatised companies over the last 15 years had been pathetic and left much to desired.

“It is unlikely that the government’s continued pursuit to privatise the remaining public enterprises could add economic and social value to the growth of national economy and welfare of the people,” he stated.

He further stated that it was the government’s responsibility to create an enabling environment for the private sector to invest and conduct business and not to transfer all public companies into private hands.

Musauka noted that there must be a certain level of economic autonomy by the government in every liberalised economy.

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