
Friday, February 27, 2009

Sarkozy desires strong relations with Cuba

Sarkozy desires strong relations with Cuba
Written by Larry Moonze in Havana, Cuba
Friday, February 27, 2009 9:46:16 PM

FRENCH President Nicolas Sarkozy has said he desires strong relations with Cuba. On meeting Cuban President Raul Castro Ruz on Wednesday here in Havana, President Sarkozy’s special envoy Jack Lang informed his host that the French leader was eager to foster relations with the Communist island and to work to promote ties between Cuba and the European Union.

Lang informed President Raul that the relations President Sarkozy desired would be based on reciprocal respect.

Lang, a former culture minister in the 1980s under president Francois Mitterrand, comes to Cuba soon after the US House of Representatives passed a bill that could lead to easing restrictions on Cuban-Americans willing to travel to the island.

The US bill, although in itself does not mean the USA is lifting the financial, commercial and trade embargo against Cuba, would enable Cubans in America to visit their relatives on the island once in a year as opposed to once in three years as used to be the case under former president George W Bush’s prescription.

The move also relaxes the requirement for Cuban authorities to pay for US food products upfront. If enacted into law the measure would create a general travel licence for Americans trading in food and medical supplies to Cuba and would receive payments once their products arrive on the island.

However, the bill will have to pass in the US Senate where it faces some opposition before it becomes law.

President Raul said he appreciated President Sarkozy’s initiative.

He said, according to a communiqué in the official paper the Granma, that President Sarkozy’s move was a positive initiative.

President Raul said Cuba was interested in revitalizing traditional political and economic relations including bilateral cooperation with France for the benefit of both countries.

He also said Cuba would continue pursuing political dialogue with the European Union reinitiated last October in Paris, France on the basis of mutual respect.

The EU last year voted to end the sanctions the block had slapped on Cuba in 2003.

Europeans imposed sanctions on Cuba after the arrest of alleged government opponents in 2003.

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