
Thursday, February 19, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T scratching the economic ashes

MDC-T scratching the economic ashes
Philip Murombedzi
Wed, 18 Feb 2009 23:35:00 +0000

BY the time our new ministers, the newcomers to Government, have finished scratching around in the ashes of the Zimbabwean financial pot; they will have discarded other electoral promises and made new enemies out of core supporters.

I guess I can say reality is beginning to set in; or the effects of the economic sanctions on Zimbabwe are becoming a reality as each day passes and the business of Government is becoming highly distinguishable from the comforts of merely opposing.

The "shoot the messenger" alibi of blaming the Government for everything will not stand up to the responsibility arithmetic for many of the MDC-T ministers anymore.

Needless to say, some of the campaign rhetoric seemed knee-jerk, demoralized those who were criticized and bastardized the system of Government.

Now Madhuku, Majongwe and former pals are sniffing behind these leaders. Backbenchers have become back-biters. They fought hard for the MDC, they say. They not only want answers; but delivery. Not promises, but delivery. Civil servants are there too. Payday is today and they want the forex, not the promise of forex.

However, the message that should penetrate the MDC-T is that the new challenges are not a little local difficulty. The demands of the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe are an alarm call, just when MDC-T is trying to find form in Government.

There is no warming up in Government. You are either in or you are not, otherwise you lose your grip and your prospects, as a party, of a second massive majority in the Lower House are being seriously damaged.

The horns will soon lock. Zapu is restrategising, Makoni is breathing hard behind the MDC-T’s back and Zanu PF is also regrouping. Madhuku is drooling at the opportunity of becoming a ‘new Tsvangirai’ and the accompanying financial rewards. He needs a mansion in Sandton too.

The disaffected MDC-T core support could return to ‘base’ in a future election if matters are mishandled and knee-jerk promises continue.

Political parties have life cycles and they are usually completed in ten years; hence many Governments fail to make more than two four year terms.

The new MDC leadership (in Government) has only months to make it work. Otherwise, they will have to learn the meaning of "scunner".

*Philip Murombedzi is the new editor of the Zimbabwe Guardian. He can be contacted via:

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