
Thursday, February 12, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Who are these political analysts?

Who are these political analysts?
Farai Chidenhe ― Opinion
Thu, 12 Feb 2009 05:12:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – I was shocked to see Zimbabwean political analysts on BBC, CNN, Sky News and other international television channels echoing the “wait-and-see” approach of the Western governments.

Most of them were brought in to make comments as the Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai and his two deputies, Prof. Arthur Mutambara and Ms. Thokozani Khupe were being sworn in. We never got to hear them take their oath. We just saw the muted pictures.

Who are these Zimbabwean ‘political analysts’ hoping will rebuild the country if they do not take part in that process?

What exactly are they waiting to see? Are they waiting to see progress they did not take part in so that they can benefit without putting in the requisite work?

Or are they expecting to see failure so that they can say, "We told you!"? Whom are they expecting to sacrifice their lives for them?

I think that Zimbabweans are sometimes their own worst enemy. They wait for other people to do things for them and blame them for not doing them to their satisfaction.

This parasitic mentality should be shunned by all progressive thinking Zimbabweans.

Certain sections of the online and print media run by Zimbabweans have offered fodder to western media. They ridicule their own country and take pride in condemning their own leaders, rather than engaging in useful progressive debate.

Many of these organisations have been left in the cold after the MDC and Zanu PF resolved their age-old problems and agreed to work for Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans.

Many of them are finding it hard to believe that MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has agreed to work for the betterment of Zimbabweans with President Mugabe.

They cannot fathom the idea and resort to name-calling.

How long did they want this crisis to last?

The jubilant mood in Zimbabwe yesterday vindicates the idea that Zimbabweans, especially at home, who have been on the frontline of the various crises, crave peace, stability and progress.

Those locked in the comforts of the Diaspora, away from reality, always spoil for a fight.

Now they have to find new targets. This is in their best interests. Most of these people’s livelihoods are dependent on conflict existing in Zimbabwe.

One thing is clear though. Things will never be the same in Zimbabwe and the shelf life of those “political analysts” is coming to an end. The world has simply changed and international opinion on Zimbabwe is shifting.

Farai Chidenhe
Pretoria, SA

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