
Thursday, February 12, 2009

(TIMES) Maize shortage artificial, Chituwo tells Parley

Maize shortage artificial, Chituwo tells Parley
By Times Reporter

THE current maize shortage is an exaggeration caused by dishonest and greedy stakeholders, Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister, Brian Chituwo has said. Dr Chituwo told Parliament in a ministerial statement yesterday that there was gross exaggeration of the shortage.

He said that when former Agriculture minister, Sara Sayifwanda announced the national food balance as being at 1.2 million tonnes, stakeholders disputed saying the country had less maize.

The minister said the FRA declared 150,000 tonnes of maize, millers 55,000 tonnes and the Grain Traders Association of Zambia (GTAZ) 25,000 tonnes, giving a total of 225,000 tonnes.

He said when the private sector was allowed to import 50,000 tonnes of maize, it failed and by November 2008, the same sector reported reduced stocks of maize.

He said by indications to Government, the situation was getting worse and the FRA was asked to import 100,000 tonnes.

“We now started hearing of thousands of tonnes of maize available and my ministry carried out a verification exercise which confirmed more than 180,000 tonnes,” he said.

He said GIA International that was contracted to supply maize brought in 58 trucks with 11 carrying non-GMO maize while 47 carried GMO maize which was escorted back to the port of entry.

Dr Chituwo said GIA International was punished when the Government asked the supplier to take back the GMOs at the company’s own cost.

Answering a question by Roan MP Chishimba Kambwili, (PF) Dr Chituwo said that the Government had not changed its policy because GMOs could contaminate Zambian seed.

Responding to Chienge MP Katele Kalumba (MMD) who asked whether there was insincerity in the contracting of the suppliers of maize, Dr Chituwo said the whole process was above board.

And United Party for National Development (UPND) Members of Parliament yesterday walked out of Parliament after Deputy Speaker, Mutale Nalumango curtailed debate on the removal of squatters from Sichifulo game management area (GMA).

This was after Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources Minister, Catherine Namugala delivered a ministerial statement on the removal of the squatters from the GMA, which stretches from Kazungula to Kalomo.

As soon as the minister finished reading the statement, almost all UPND MPs indicated to the deputy speaker that they wanted to ask her questions concerning the statement.

The emotionally-charged MPs asked why the 8,000 people had been removed and where they had been taken because they originally came from the valley in the area around Lake Kariba.

Debate continued and when Chongwe MP Sylvia Masebo (MMD) asked why GMAs in the Northern Province were demarcated, Namwala MP Robbie Chizyhuka (UPND) interrupted saying it was because that was where Ms Namugala came from.

Noticing the emotions, Mrs Nalumango asked Mr Chizyhuka to go outside to cool down.
When more MPs sought to contribute, Mrs Nalumango indicated that the House should move to the next agenda item and the UPND MPs who still wanted to debate stormed out.

After the break, all the UPND MPs except for Magoye MP, Bennie Mweemba did not return to the House, prompting Ms Masebo to rise on a point of order on their absence.

But deputy chairman of committees Mkhondo Lungu who had taken over from Mrs Nalumango ruled that the absence of the MPs would be ignored because the a quorum had been formed.

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