
Friday, February 20, 2009

Trucks with imported non-GMO maize arrive at FRA depot

Trucks with imported non-GMO maize arrive at FRA depot
Written by Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Friday, February 20, 2009 6:36:07 PM

ABOUT five trucks carrying imported white non-genetically modified maize yesterday landed at the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) depot on Mwembeshi Road, according to highly placed sources.

According to the sources, about 18 trucks were expected to arrive from Chirundu border post by the end of the day as part of the current maize importation exercise.

However, the sources did not indicate the company that had imported the maize, but it is strongly believed that the consignment was brought into the country by Mark Daniels.

The maize was being carried in specially designed grain bulk carriers with tarpaulin and a drainage plug at the bottom to decant the grain.

On Monday, FRA board chairman Costain Chilala revealed that Mark Daniels, one of the contracted companies under the current maize importation exercise had started bringing in the maize and that part of the consignment had been cleared and was in the country while the other half was stuck at the border awaiting genetically modified organism (GMO) clearance by Mt Makulu Research Station.

Chilala explained that it was easy for Mt Makulu to inspect the maize brought by Mark Daniels because the commodity was being imported in bulk form of 600 bags per truck.

"The whole truck can simply be opened and you can get samples everywhere," Chilala said.

The importation maize from South Africa has been embroiled in a lot of controversies with one of the contracted companies, GIA International, being forced to return about 81 per cent of the 35,000 metric tonnes of imported maize after the consignment tested positive for the banned GMOs.

FRA has since given GIA International up to March 30 this year to bring in white non-genetically modified maize to replace the consignment that was recently rejected.

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