
Monday, February 16, 2009

Zim Cabinet sworn in amid chaotic scenes

Zim Cabinet sworn in amid chaotic scenes
Written by Kingsley Kaswende in Harare
Monday, February 16, 2009 5:12:21 AM

CONFUSION reigned at State House yesterday when nominees for cabinet ministers from the opposition MDC initially refused to be sworn in by President Robert Mugabe.

The swearing in of ministers, which marked the completion of setting up the all-inclusive government was delayed for four hours, as the opposition cabinet members refused to take oath, accusing ZANU-PF of appointing six more ministers than stipulated in the agreement and in the Constitution Amendment No 19.

The opposition ministers also protested the arrest of their colleague Roy Bennet only hours before he was to be sworn in as agriculture deputy minister.

The confusion came when information trickled to the opposition MDC that ZANU-PF had appointed six more cabinet ministers to occupy the portfolios of Minister of State in the offices of the President and Prime Minister.

The parties had to be sat down by the facilitator, former South African President Thabo Mbeki for more than three hours, after which it was determined that no Minister of State from each party would be sworn in.

The matter would be determined later.

As the negotiators argued and exchanged words under the marquee, MDC secretary general Tendai Biti, who is expected to be the Minister of Finance, was heard saying: “We will not stand up, unless you hit us.”

Later, SADC executive secretary Tomaz Salomao had to plead with MDC members and assured them that no Minister of State would be sworn in, pending further determination of the matter.

The MDC also sought to understand why Bennet, who is the MDC treasurer general, was arrested only hours before he was due to be sworn in.

Chief secretary in Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's office, Ian Makone, confirmed Bennet's arrest.

"Roy Benett, MDC treasurer general and [nominee for] deputy minister of agriculture has just been arrested by state agents," said Makone. "Roy was arrested at Prince Charles Airport, on the outskirts of Harare."

Bennet had a pending case of treason. He has been in exile in South Africa over the past four years after he fled Zimbabwe when he was accused of planning to topple President Mugabe through military means.

State agents at the time said they had stumbled on an ammunition cache at his farm in Mutare, about 270km east of Harare near the Mozambican border.

Bennet then escaped to South Africa, where he continued working for the party. He returned the week before last, after it was agreed that there would be an inclusive government and that he would be part of it.

Sources said police re-opened Bennet's docket on Thursday and that he was attempting to flee the country again when he was apprehended.

After some discussion over Bennet's arrest, MDC members agreed to take oath, and the 32 ministers were sworn in at 15:30 hours, marking the establishment of the inclusive government.

ZANU-PF had 16 cabinet ministers most of whom were ministers in the previous cabinet, Tsvangirai's MDC had 13 while Prof Arthur Mutambara's MDC had three.

The following is the list of the sworn in ministers, although details of the ministries they will occupy were not released as at yesterday afternoon.

ZANU-PF had Kembo Mohadi, Sydney Sekeramayi, Emmerson Mnangagwa, Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, Nicholas Goche, Obert Mpofu, Joseph Made, Francis Nhema, Stan Mudenge, Sithembiso Nyoni, Patrick Chinamasa, Webster Shamu, Paul Mangwana, Didymus Mutasa, David Parirenyatwa, Flora Buka.

And the Tsvangirai-led MDC had Giles Mutsekwa, Tendai Biti, Elton Mangoma, Elias Mudzuri, Eric Matinenga, Nelson Chamisa, Eliphas Mukonoweshuro, Henry Madzorera, Theresa Makone, Paurina Gwanyanya, Heneri Dzinotyiwei, Joel Gabuza Gabbuza, Gordon Moyo while the Mutambara led MDC faction had Welshman Ncube, Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga and David Coltart.

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