
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chambishi miner dies

Chambishi miner dies
Written by Mutuna Chanda and Speedwell Mupuchi in Kitwe
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 3:09:25 PM

A MINER at NFC Africa Mining in Chambishi died instantly on Tuesday after a big rock underground at 583-metre level fell on him.

Both NFC Africa Mining deputy chief executive officer Xu Ruiyong and acting Copperbelt police chief Danwell Kasonde confirmed the death of 31-year-old Lewis Kunda Matafwali.

However, Xu could not give details of what caused the accident and indicated that a joint team involving the mines safety department and police, among others, was investigating the cause of the accident.

And when contacted, Kasonde said Matafwali died around 10:00 hours on Tuesday.

Kasonde said the body of Matafwali of house number 36, Kwale Road in Chambishi was in the mortuary of Sinozam Friendship Hospital in Kitwe.

Police and other sources at the mine indicated that late Matafwali was an underground surveyor.

"This man was a surveyor underground, he went to survey where they should mine and as he was surveying, a big stone fell on him," the source said. "This was at 585 metres level. This is the second accident within one month; the safety at the mine is not good"

On March 3, 2009, another miner died in a similar manner at the Chinese-run mine and police have expressed concern at the mine's safety measures.

Another source indicated that Matafwali had gone to the 3-7 area on the 583 metre level to survey in readiness for drilling using the boomer machine.

"In the process, a very big rock from the roof (of the tunnel) fell on him; he was completely buried and they had to use a doro machine to remove the rock," said the source.

The source said Matafwali's body was completely mutilated.

The source said ground support underground seemed not to conform to standards and that there was no engineer to give advice on what kind of support to use underground.

The source said the mine sometimes relied on slip sets which he said did not hold much because they sometimes did come out with rocks.

1 comment:

  1. The late Lewis kunda matafwali is my father. I am his first born son olives kunda matafwali.please help me my phone number is 0761741703
