Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chavez hails leftist victory in El Savador

Chavez hails leftist victory in El Savador
Written by Larry Moonze in Havana, Cuba
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 1:47:32 AM

VENEZUELAN President Hugo Chavez said the leftist win in El Salvador has strengthened the historic wave that has arisen in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Congratulating El Salvador President-Elect, a journalist by profession, Mauricio Funes, President Chavez on Monday said unity of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean was the only path to overcome the global economic recession. Funes becomes El Salvador’s first leftist elected to power.

“This victory strengthens the historic wave that in this first decade of the 21st century has arisen in all of Latin America and the Caribbean and opens its doors to other sibling peoples in the challenges they will face,” President Chavez stated in a message released by the Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs.

“Today the Salvadorian people did not waver. They stepped forward and displayed their clarity and courage, defeating a campaign of lies, trash and manipulation unleashed against the Bolivarian Republic [of Venezuela] and against progressive and dignified leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean. These disgraceful campaigns fomented by the international right wing in our continent were destroyed today by the consciousness of the majority of the Salvadorian people.”

He described the electoral triumph of the leftist party, the Farabandu Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), “the unquestionable and resounding victory of brave journalist Mauricio Funes”.

President Chavez stated that Venezuelans were happy with the electoral outcome.

“The unity of our peoples is the only path to overcome the crisis unleashed from the heart of capitalism in the north [USA],” he stated.

“In this crucial moment the children of Bolivar [Simon –the Venezuelan independence hero] offer our hands in solidarity to President Mauricio Funes so that together we may advance in the strengthening of this new era we are living through, together overcoming underdevelopment and poverty.”

President Chavez stated that in the hour of happiness all should recognize the leader peace, Shafik Handal, and the many men and women who gave their lives for the rebirth of the Salvadorian people.

“Go Salvadorians for there are no small birds that stop flying after taking off,” stated President Chavez. “Let us fly together, El Salvador and Venezuela, towards our great homeland of the Americas in the time of the people.”

Funes, 49, to be sworn in on June 1 received over 51 per cent of the vote.

"I would like to humbly and emotionally thank all of those who voted for me, everyone who chose the path of change," Funes said in a victory speech.

Before joining politics, Funes reported on El Salvador’s 1980-1992 war between US-backed governments and leftist guerrillas. He was also a television show host.

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