Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chief Justice receives petition against Magande

Chief Justice receives petition against Magande
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4:55:26 PM

A CHONGWE resident yesterday petitioned Chief Justice Ernest Sakala to set up a tribunal to probe former finance minister Ng'andu Magande for allegedly abusing his office when he supported the proposed deferment of Zambian Airways' debts to government.

According to a petition submitted before justice Sakala at the Supreme Court building, Waziona Nkhwekwe stated that the allegations against Magande, who is also MMD Chilanga member of parliament, should be taken seriously and require immediate probe.

"Complaint of breach part II of the parliamentary and ministerial code of conduct Act Cap, Cap 16 of the Laws of Zambia: I refer to the captioned matter and hereby submit a complaint in terms of Chapter 16 of the Laws of Zambia against Honourable Ng'andu Magande MP and former minister of finance and economic development," Nkhwekwe stated. "My complaint is that when Honourable Magande was minister of finance, he is alleged to have used his position as finance minister to improperly propose the forgiveness of debts owed by Zambian Airways as private company to various government entities contrary to the provisions of section four Chapter 16 of the Laws of Zambia."

Nkhwekwe stated that serious allegations of abuse of authority of office had been running against Magande for a long time now.

"The allegations have been made public and have received wide coverage and circulation in both print and electronic media," Nkhwekwe stated.

He stated that he was aware that the investigative wings were investigating the affairs of Zambian Airways but the allegations against Magande touched on his functions as a minister then and member of parliament now.

"My lord will recall that in 2001, a tribunal was constituted to investigate Honourable Messrs Katele Kalumba, Peter Machungwa and the late Golden Mandandi notwithstanding the fact that the Anti-Corruption Commission was investigating the matter. In fact, the ACC later joined the complainants," stated Nkhwekwe. "Indeed more recently Hon Dora Siliya [Minister of Communications and Transport] was reported to the ACC by Transparency International Zambia in relation to the Petauke boreholes and pumps and yet a tribunal has been set up. I look forward to your favourable response."

And Nkhwekwe confirmed that he had submitted his petition to the office of the Chief Justice Ernest Sakala.

"I handed over the petition to the secretary who promised to hand it over to His Lordship," said Nkhwekwe.

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