
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Constructively criticise Rupiah, Muteteka urges ministers

Constructively criticise Rupiah, Muteteka urges ministers
Written by Katwishi Bwalya
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 3:35:02 PM

CHISAMBA MMD member of parliament Moses Muteteka has urged ministers and party members to constructively criticise President Rupiah Banda and not fear to be sacked unceremoniously.

In an interview, Muteteka said the fear of not doing certain things because of possible dismissals should come to an end.

"This fear of not talking, of not working and of not doing certain things for fear of being fired or dismissed unceremoniously should come to an end," Muteteka said.

He said there was need for Cabinet to be very firm on issues of national development.

"First of all, we have a Cabinet in place. I want to advise the Cabinet to be very firm on issues of national development. They must be very firm, they must help the President wholeheartedly without fear or favour," Muteteka said.

"They must speak their mind that is why they have got those jobs. They must take that Cabinet [position] seriously, they should ensure that they advise the President as good as they used to advise [late president Levy] Mwanawasa. That is the only way we are going to come out of this quagmire."

Muteteka said some people were keeping quiet and not advising the President as the best way of keeping their jobs.

"If they [ministers] want to keep quiet and they think they are protecting their jobs, I’m sorry people who are quiet, they can also be found wrong and be dismissed," Muteteka said. "Just being quiet is a case. Don't think when you keep quiet things would be better for you, no."

However, Muteteka said people were free to speak as long as they added value to national development.

"They are free to speak provided it is a constructive resolution, provided they are adding value. Let them go ahead. Not everyone is going to have a chance of meeting the President, that is why there are all these channels of speaking," he said.

Muteteka further advised senior party members to stick to their roles in the party.

"Everyone has got a job description in the party, in the government and do within what is provided for you," Muteteka said.

"So, the NEC [national executive committee] members have got their own job description, the roles they are playing. So let them not go beyond. We gave them jobs to be in whatever positions and if we see them going out of bounds, they will find the lions out of bounds. If you have been fenced, you must live within the fence. If you go out of the fence and you find a snake outside and it bites you, who are you going to blame?"

He said there was need for party members to desist from using their positions to fix others.

"So people like [MMD information and publicity chairman Benny] Tetamashimba and all those in the NEC have got their job description and they should just stick to their gun. They should not even use it to fix personal vendettas," said Muteteka.

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