
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

(HERALD) Denmark backs inclusive Govt

Denmark backs inclusive Govt
Herald Reporter

. . . begins dialogue with Zim DANISH Minister of Cooperation Development Ms Ulla Tornaes arrived in Harare yesterday to assess the situation following the formation of the inclusive Government, making Denmark the first EU country to start dialogue with Harare.

Ms Tornaes said her mission was to study the progress the inclusive Government was making since its formation a month ago.

Speaking soon after her arrival at Harare International Airport yesterday, Ms Tornaes said she wants to get first hand information on the progress.

"I have read a lot about the country and I am here to get an impression of the progress in the country," she said.

Ms Tornaes, however, said the formation of the inclusive Government was an important step forward adding that the new administration should stick to the road map crafted in the broad-based agreement.

"The Government and the road map are important for the fulfilling of the GPA (Global Political Agreement) and would give an opportunity for countries to open up dialogue with Zimbabwe," she said.

She expressed her government’s support for the inclusive Government.

Ms Tornaes, who was met at the airport by Regional Integration and International Co-operation Minister Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga, will meet Government ministers and officials as well as other partners during her visit.

The Danish minister began her mission with a meeting with Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi before holding further talks with Acting Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara.

Speaking at their meeting, Minister Mumbengegwi said Government was extremely encouraged by the visit.

"We are anxious to normalise our relations with the EU and individual countries in the region," he said.

Minister Mumbengegwi said Zimbabwe had excellent relations with Denmark during the liberation struggle and after independence.

He said he hoped the visit would help the two countries re-engage and go back to the "good old days".

"The country has gone through a difficult two years of talks leading to the signing of the GPA in September last year, passing of the Constitutional Amendment Act No. 19 in Parliament and the formation of the inclusive Government.

"I would want to assure you of all the parties’ commitment to the success of the GPA," he said.

Minister Mumbengegwi, however, expressed Government’s disappointment on the extension of sanctions against Zimbabwe especially after the formation of a new Government.

"We are disappointed by the EU and we hope that Denmark would help in normalising the relations between Zimbabwe and the EU.

"The EU meeting was held earlier than we expected because it was moved forward when we were still holding talks and we hope that this aspect of sanctions would be seriously considered by EU countries," he said.

Minister Mumbengegwi said no one in Zimbabwe supports the sanctions and people would be happy to see them removed.

Ms Tornaes expressed hope that there would be movement towards uplifting livelihoods.

"The EU did not feel that there was any improvement but I think after the formation of the new Government, we need to see the livelihoods of the ordinary people improve while there is a genuine improvement in business and democratic activities," she said.

Acting Prime Minister Khupe said Ms Tornaes’ visit was a clear indication that the outside world has realised that the inclusive Government can work for the development of the nation.

Speaking after meeting the Danish minister, Acting Prime Minister Khupe said the visit was a good sign towards Zimbabwe’s re-engagement with the international community.

"I would like to thank the minister for deciding to visit us and get a clear picture of what is happening in the country.

"The visit is a good sign that the inclusive

Government is working and they have realised that it is genuine and we are working hard to implement the GPA," she said.

She said Denmark had also demonstrated it was willing to partner Zimbabwe in spearheading development.

The Acting Prime Minister pledged the parties’ willingness to fulfil legislative and media reforms as outlined in the GPA signed between Zanu-PF and the two MDC formations.

She, however, dismissed suggestions that Zimbabwe could collapse if it does not get foreign aid from the West.

"I can’t say Zimbabwe will collapse without the aid (because) the inclusive Government is only a month old but we have managed to do a lot for our people including giving our workers allowances in foreign currency," she said.

Denmark closed its embassy in Zimbabwe in 2002 following the unilateral imposition of sanctions against Zimbabwe by the EU in violation of the Cotonou Agreement and a study commissioned by the Netherlands Foreign Ministry.

It is currently covering Zimbabwe from Zambia but the country’s Ambassador Thomas Schjerbeck said the country had since appointed a counsellor from the Lusaka mission to be in the country permanently and monitor the situation with a view to re-opening the embassy.

Ms Tornaes will today visit a Danish Dairy Company and cattle farm in Marirangwe, the World Food Programme distribution centre in Waterfalls before meeting members of the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries and Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce.

She will also visit the cholera clinic in Budiriro before meeting humanitarian agencies and members of the Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee.

Ms Tornaes will also meet Speaker of the House of Assembly Lovemore Moyo before holding talks with Finance Minister Tendai Biti and Lands and Rural Resettlement Minister Herbert Murerwa.

Her visit comes at a time Government is putting together a team of ministers to engage EU member states in bilateral talks to revive relations severed by the illegal sanctions the bloc imposed on Zimbabwe.

Minister Mumbengegwi is expected to lead the team, which comprises Ministers Biti, Misihairabwi-Mushonga and Industry and Commerce Minister Welshman Ncube.

Other sector ministries will be involved as and when necessary.

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