Wednesday, March 25, 2009

(HERALD) Put land to good use, Police urged

Put land to good use, Police urged
Herald Reporter

POLICE should strive to put all land allocated to the force by Government to good use, a senior policeman said yesterday.

Deputy Commissioner General (Administration) Godwin Matanga told force members attending a field day held at Harare Police’s Lowdale Farm in Mazowe that everyone should strive to use land productively.

"I call upon fellow police provinces to emulate this good work. It can never be overstressed that we should all strive to put the land to good and effective use.

"There are a lot of challenges that our country is facing. Nevertheless, if we are all spurred by a burning desire to prosper, the challenges become surmountable," he said.

The farm, which is managed by Sergeant Cainos Tagwirei, covers 500 hectares of which 142ha are being farmed.

The farm has 30ha of maize, 28ha of soya beans and 1,5ha are under horticulture while the poultry project has 1 200 broilers and 400 layers.

Dep Comm Gen. Matanga advised the officers to summon all their resourcefulness to turn challenges into stepping-stones and to pursue farming with vigour and a sense of mission.

Speaking at the same occasion, Officer Commanding Harare Province Senior Assistant Commissioner Charles Makono described the project as a product of trials and tribulations in the quest to develop police farms into viable entities.

"Chief challenges we faced were lack of adequate funding, lack of farming implements, labour and absence of irrigation infrastructure.

"However, we treated such hindrances as temporary setbacks and refused to be deterred. We stopped praying for tasks equal to our powers and began praying for powers equal to our tasks," he said. Proceeds from the projects are channelled for the benefit of police officers through their welfare fund.



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