
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

(HERALD) SMEs to hold business planning seminar

SMEs to hold business planning seminar
Business Reporter

SMALL TO Medium Enterprises will this week hold a strategic business planning seminar designed to assist new and existing entrepreneurs plan, start and grow their business on a sound footing. SMEs will also need to take advantage of opportunities being created as efforts to revive the economy gear up.

Experts from various fields of business are expected to make presentations that will form and advise new and existing small to medium sized enterprise owners on the best ways of managing business for success and growth.

The seminar provides an opportunity for networking.

Established businesses are set to attend as the seminar will present an opportunity for them to meet potential suppliers and customers in the form of SMEs.

Presenters are expected from MicroKing Kingdom Bank SME division, and ZimTrade, the export promotion body highlighting opportunities available to entrepreneurs.

The seminar is organised by Admiral Business Systems.

In a related development, Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce has launched the SMEs capacity building project meant to identify constraints and limitations being faced by SMEs as it relates to legislation, economic policy, infrastructure development, business operating environment, training and certification, product quality and markets.

ZNCC economist Mr Tichaona Mudzviti said it was critical for Zimbabwe to have a vibrant SMEs sector as these were efficient in responding to short term economic fundamentals.

He added: "When big companies’ profit margins were declining owing to an adverse economic environment, we noticed a great reduction in capacity utilisation to the lowest level in the history of the nation and this consequently lead to high unemployment which is estimated close to 90 percent."

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