Monday, March 30, 2009

MMD cadres harass Musosha

MMD cadres harass Musosha
Written by Mwala Kalaluka
Monday, March 30, 2009 7:00:36 AM

LOCAL government deputy minister Chrispin Musosha yesterday had to use Police Commissioner Willies Mangimela's official vehicle to escape the wrath of MMD cadres Lusaka International Airport.

The incident happened when some cadres who had gone to see off President Rupiah Banda who left for the SADC extraordinary summit in Mbabane, Swaziland, demanded that Musosha should leave the airport.

The cadres, who had to be restrained by police and National Airports Corporation security officers, were heard saying they did not want Musosha because of his stance over the allocation of stalls at the New Soweto Market in Lusaka.

“Tatule mufwaya (we do not want him),” a cadre was heard saying, as some police officers and MMD officials restrained him.

Shortly after the mini-scuffle, President Banda arrived and started bidding farewell to ministers and jubilant cadres.

However, Musosha was seen getting on Mangimela's vehicle shortly after the President's departure.

As government officials left the airport, a group of cadres went to local government and housing minister Benny Tetamashimba's vehicle to air their grievances. After Tetamashimba spoke to them, the cadres left the airport cheering.

“Lusaka is not Luapula, we shall sort him out,” one of the male cadres was heard telling a female colleague in the car park.

Musosha, who is former Luapula Province minister, was quoted in the press as having said that the MMD cadres who harassed Lusaka City Council officials over the New Soweto Market stalls last Friday would be disciplined.

Tetamashimba has since nullified the allocation of stalls at the New Soweto Market. Meanwhile, President Banda declined to speak to journalists before his departure.

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