
Thursday, March 26, 2009

MMD cadres make hate remarks against Harrington

MMD cadres make hate remarks against Harrington
Written by Mwala Kalaluka
Thursday, March 26, 2009 7:33:28 AM

SOME MMD cadres on Tuesday made hate remarks against former communications and transport minister William Harrington after a sitting of the Dennis Chirwa Tribunal. The cadres, who had been part of the audience during communications and transport Dora Siliya’s cross-examination before the tribunal, made the remarks outside the Supreme Court building.

Harrington is the first complainant before the tribunal that has been set up to probe Siliya’s alleged abuse of office and corruption, through a petition made to Chief Justice Ernest Sakala.

When the tribunal’s business closed for the day, one female MMD cadre was heard telling another female cadre that Siliya would not be removed from her position, in view of the proceedings before the tribunal, because the MMD was the party in power.

The female cadre was also heard complaining about some non-governmental organisations like Transparency International Zambia (TIZ).

She wondered where TIZ gets its funding from.

“They should be regulated,” the cadre said.

The cadre and her colleague left their car and joined some male cadres on the parking lot in front of the Supreme Court building.

One male cadre said he would lift Harrington up on the day the tribunal will make its verdict and he moved from the group onto the road and gestured how he would do it

“Uja muzungu ni osila [he is a finished white man],” the cadre said of Harrington who had since left for his vehicle.

The cadre also remarked on what he called Harrington’s cheap suits.

At the start of the Dennis Chirwa tribunal, cadres were barred from patronising the court premises and not to dress in apparel depicting which political party they belonged to.

This was after Harrington complained to the tribunal that some MMD cadres had harassed him after the first sitting of the tribunal.

The tribunal noted that there was need for all parties before the tribunal to conduct their business in a conducive environment.

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