
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

(NEW VISION) UK to fund land reform in Uganda

UK to fund land reform in Uganda
Tuesday, 10th March, 2009

President Yoweri Museveni introduces his daughter, Natasha Karugire, to Queen Elizabeth after a service in Westminster Abbey yesterday
By  Vision Reporter

THE British government has finalised modalities through which it will assist Uganda to finance efforts aimed at solving land problems, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has disclosed.

Meeting President Yoweri Museveni on Monday, Brown said his government’s contribution would be channelled through DFID.

The two leaders met at Brown’s official residence and office at Number 10 Downing Street in London. State House yesterday announced that they discussed a number of international issues.

Museveni, who has been in the United Kingdom for a two-day working visit, also attended ceremonies to mark the 60th anniversary of the Commonwealth in his capacity as the chairman of the 53-member state organisation.

During the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Kampala in 2007, Museveni appealed to the British premier to assist Uganda to solve the land problem.

He said it was created by the British colonial government in 1900 when land in Buganda was divided and large chunks allocated to a few landlords.

Museveni said this resulted into making the majority peasants into serfs on their former land.

In the recent past, the country has been grappling with unresolved land wrangles, some involving encroachment on gazetted forests and game reserves.

State House yesterday reported that while discussing the current global financial crisis, Brown told Museveni that there was need for governments to introduce stringent measures to clean the banking systems in their countries.

He suggested that banks should reduce interest rates globally so that people, including industrialists, access funding at low interest rates.

Brown also appealed to Museveni to intervene in the political unrest in Zimbabwe to provide a roadmap to the restoration of democracy.

But Museveni told him that there was need to give the coalition government time to restore full democracy. He was optimistic the coalition government would help to address Zimbabwe’s economic problems.

Brown also asked Museveni to ensure that the Sudanese government implements the comprehensive peace agreement signed between Sudan and the SPLA, which the Khartoum government has not fully implemented.

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