
Sunday, March 22, 2009

‘Society is relying on women as unpaid labour’

‘Society is relying on women as unpaid labour’
Written by Agness Changala Kapiri Mposhi
Sunday, March 22, 2009 6:30:39 PM

KAPIRI Mposhi district commissioner Comas Musumpuka has said society is increasingly relying on women as unpaid labour to fill the gaps left by those who had retired.

Officiating at this year's International Women's Day organised by Women for Change in Kapiri Mposhi, Musumpuka said the work women performed without any income retarded their development.

Musumpuka said care giving for a long time had also been seen as a role for women and girls and this had taken away most of their time when they needed to be productive.

He said as a result, he saw the need for concerted efforts to reach every rural area in Zambia in terms of economic empowerment by sensitising men and women on issues of human rights and encourage them to work together in order to achieve progress.

He urged other non-governmental organisation to take a leaf from Women for Change to direct their efforts in rural areas as most of them were concentrated in urban areas.

Musumpuka urged Kampumbe residents to translate International Women's Day theme which is 'Women and Men Equal Partners in HIV/AIDS' care giving, into reality.

"Through experience we have gathered at various forum and begin to talk about issues, when we disperse, we even forget about it," said Musumpuka. "Now I want to remind that from today, let's stop that altitude and begin to practice what we learn."

And Musumpuka wondered what had become of men to continue having sexual intercourse with minors.

Commenting on the increasing number of defilement cases in the country, Musumpuka said it was disheartening that every time one read the paper, there was a story on defilement, adding that most of them were toddlers.

"How are we men? Are you not ashamed to be on top of your own daughters? he asked.

Musumpuka urged all mothers to report such matters to police immediately.

And chief Mukonchi said women from nightclubs were a lot easier to get along with and consequently have sex with them than defiling a child.

"With those, before you can even propose, they even come to you," he said. "So why should someone show animosity to a child?" he asked.

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