
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stop abusing the intelligence services, Mwiimbu urges govt

Stop abusing the intelligence services, Mwiimbu urges govt
Written by Ernest Chanda
Thursday, March 26, 2009 7:44:11 AM

MONZE UPND member of parliament Jack Mwiimbu has advised the MMD government to stop abusing the Zambia Security Intelligence Services (ZSIS).

Debating the estimates of expenditure for ZSIS on Tuesday, Mwiimbu said the intelligence should be used for the benefit of all Zambians.

“May I passionately appeal to this government to depoliticise the Zambia Security Intelligence Services. The intelligence system was not made to be abused by those in power. The intelligence service is for all Zambians and is supposed to serve all political parties,” Mwiimbu said.

“I hope that the unfortunate situation that occurred in the 2001 election does not re-occur where the intelligence system was abused by the MMD government. The Vice-President who happens to be a lawyer is aware of that abuse. It’s a fact that the Zambia Security Intelligence Service was abused and it’s a fact that Zamtrop was abused. The matter was in the Supreme Court of Zambia and records are there for all to see,” Mwiimbu said.

He said it was not good to always have elections that are disputed.

“If you have elections that are disputed each time they are held, then it is not a healthy situation. I would like to appeal to this government to let the intelligence service work professionally as they have been trying now,” Mwiimbu said.

“I want to see them [intelligence officers] mingle among ordinary Zambians so that they are assisted in getting information. I’m saying this because I’m a patriotic Zambian. I would like to appeal through the Vice-President that this service works for all Zambians regardless of their political affiliation.”

And Bangweulu Patriotic Front member of parliament Joseph Kasongo called on defence and security services to sensitise ministers on security matters.

“May I appeal to the government of the day to protect this organisation. Currently, Zambia has become a laughing stoke in the region because we are the only country that has undressed our intelligence. We must be ashamed of ourselves. There is need for our defence and security services to mount seminars that will educate our ministers on respecting their oath of secrecy,” he said.

“It is not good to hear former ministers disclose information that came to them by virtue of them being ministers. But when they are fired they begin to disclose information that they had sworn not to disclose. When you are appointed minister you swear to keep state information and we expect you to keep that even when you are fired. But you come to this House debating and disclosing information. Who are you appeasing? I know that some of you become emotional when you are fired and then you allow traitors to take advantage of the information you disclose.”

Kasongo claimed that civil servants were disclosing information because of ministers.

“All the officers are now disclosing information to the press. You [pointing at ministers] are the source of that because they say follow the leader. You are privileged to be in those positions because of Zambians. I am aware that there are so many people fighting the government of the day, both within and outside. Some people have called the President a failure already, and yet this is his first budget,” Kasongo said.

“I am also aware that some of those who supported him are disappointed because they thought that when he got into power he would appoint them ministers. And some of these political parties have no leadership, may be the only opposition political parties with leadership are the PF and the UPND,” said Kasongo.

Meanwhile, tempers flared in parliament as members debated the estimates of expenditure for the Ministry of Lands.

As Southern Province minister Daniel Munkombwe took the floor, he debated off the motion, attracting constant guidance from committee deputy chairperson Mkhondo Lungu.

“I have never engaged in bruising people, I’m cool. Those who have aimed at bruising me have been themselves bruised. Threaten, you can. But an individual can not threaten the majority. And also to threaten a person of my age it is dangerous. …If you look through my record, I have never been sent out, not even ruled out. I’m useful and not useless. The opposite of useful is useless. I’m useful, all the Presidents have used me,” said Munkombwe.

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