
Friday, March 27, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Farm minvaders will be arrested - Tsvangirai

COMMENT - I guess Morgan Tsvangirai saw the light. Or was that a flash?

Farm minvaders will be arrested - Tsvangirai
Ralph Mutema
Fri, 27 Mar 2009 15:57:00 +0000

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has said that anyone invading farms will be arrested. Tsvangirai said the recent land invasions "are actually acts of theft".

President Mugabe has said that the Zimbabwe Government would continue to seize designated white-owned farms as part of the land reform policy.

"This government is aware that most of the ongoing disruptions of agricultural production, which are being done in the name of the land reform process, are actually acts of theft," Tsvangirai told a meeting of diplomats, civic society and business leaders, in one of his first public appearances since the death of his wife in a car crash earlier this month.

"Those continuing to undertake these activities will be arrested and face justice in the courts.

"I have tasked the minister of home affairs to ensure that all crimes are acted upon and the perpetrators arrested and charged."

The prime minister did not specify which home affair minister he gave that task.

There are two home affairs ministers in the inclusive Government. Neither party would cede control of the ministry which is responsible for the police when the inclusive Government was formed.

Last month, President Mugabe said there would be "no going back" on land reform, dismissing a ruling from the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) tribunal last year that the seizures were illegal.

A commitment to continue the land reform policy was a key part of the power-sharing agreement signed by both parties. In the GPA, the parties also agreed that the program was irreversible.

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