
Thursday, March 19, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Mugabe resolute and unshaken: First Lady

Mugabe resolute and unshaken: First Lady
Ranganai Chidemo
Thu, 19 Mar 2009 05:26:00 +0000

Zimbabwe First Lady, Grace Mugabe

PRESIDENT Mugabe is a great leader who has stood firm in the face of adversity and has resisted Western machinations on the land issue, says Zimbabwe's First Lady Grace Mugabe.

Speaking to people at Masakadza Business Centre in Nemangwe, Gokwe North, the First Lady said Zimbabweans should emulate President Mugabe who is a true and honest revolutionary leader with people at heart.

"He showed brevity and confronted the Western powers head on. He stood resolutely and unshaken defending our sovereignty.

"We are not in this country by coincidence. It is by God’s design. This is our country, our land and we need to guard it jealously," she said.

Echoing a call made by President Mugabe at a service to honour the late Mrs Susan Tsvangirai, the Prime Minister's wife, the First Lady called on all Zimbabweans across the political divide to shun violence and foster a spirit of reconciliation across the racial and political divide.

"Let us preach the gospel of peace in the country. Peace should prevail countrywide," she said.

"We are preaching the healing message and want to forget the past while we forgive each other as we take the nation forward united as Zimbabweans. Violence will not take us anywhere but retards development."

Home Affairs co-Ministers, Kembo Mohadi and Giles Mutsekwa on Wednesday also urged Zimbabweans to shun violence and said the full weight of the law will descend upon all the perpetrators of violence.

"We would like to appeal to the parties to desist from such acts of violence and we believe it is the responsibility of the political parties to tell their supporters not to engage in violence," Mohadi said.

Mohadi said the nation needs to heal from previous divisions based on political lines. The First Lady also said all corrupt officials should be brought to book as their actions militate against development in the country.

"Wealth is not for the leadership, the economy should not be in the hands of President Mugabe alone.

"There is no smoke without fire. Investigations should be done. We have to ask ourselves about all these things we hear about corruption. Corruption has killed the country."

Mrs Mugabe also explained that the formation of the inclusive Government did not amount to the erosion of President Mugabe's power.

She denied claims that President Mugabe had surrendered power to Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the MDC-T party.

She said President Mugabe was still the Head of State and Government.

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