
Friday, March 27, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) 'No political prisoners in Zimbabwe'

'No political prisoners in Zimbabwe'
Ralph Mutema
Thu, 26 Mar 2009 04:37:00 +0000

PRESIDENT Mugabe and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Simbarashe Mumbengegwi have denied media reports that there are political prisoners in Zimbabwe.

Speaking on two separate occasions this week, the two leaders denied denied that Zimbabwe had political prisoners saying the country upheld the rule of law.

Addressing journalists after his meeting with visiting Norwegian Minister of Environment and International Trade Erik Solheim, Minister Mumbengegwi said: "We have never had political prisoners in Zimbabwe and the three parties making up the inclusive Government have agreed that suspects go through the whole process of the law through the courts."

All those who had any grievances, Minister Mumbengegwi said, should seek redress in the courts.

In a closed-door meeting with the visiting Norwegian minister on Wednesday, President Mugabe is said to have reiterated the same issue.

He said that Zimbabwe had political prisoners and indicated that all persons presently before the country’s courts were facing criminal charges that required prosecution.

Officials said the President also pointed out that no farm invasions were taking place.

Instead, President Mugabe said, Government was facing resistance from white commercial farmers who were refusing to vacate land that had legally been acquired for resettlement by the State.

"The President was very categorical on the fact that these people were in the courts on criminal charges that do not have anything to do with politics.

"He also cleared the air on the purported ‘fresh farm invasions’ as Government was actually facing resistance from white former commercial farmers who were served letters indicating that the farms had been acquired for resettlement," an official told the Herald newspaper.

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