
Friday, March 06, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Regime, what regime?

Regime, what regime?
Fredrick Mutangadura -- Opinion
Fri, 06 Mar 2009 00:54:00 +0000

CERTAIN circles of the so-called independent media refer to the 'Mugabe regime'. If we were in the pre-September 11, 2008 period, this would have not come as a surprise. But to try and distinguish the MDC parties and Zanu PF in an inclusive Government is a misnomer.

There is one Government in Zimbabwe – an inclusive Government, comprising Zanu PF and the two MDC’s.

There is no Zanu PF, MDC-T or MDC-M in this Government. They are one entity during the life of the transition.

It is impossible to refer to Mr. Morgan Tsvangirai as Prime Minister without accepting that Mr. Mugabe is President. They are in an inclusive Government together and their roles find expression in that Government.

The independent media has been trying very hard to dissociate Zanu PF from the two MDCs. That is what they would wish for, but that is not what is obtaining on the ground.

There is no “Government-in-Government”. There is only one Government in Zimbabwe and those sections of the independent media have to accept the situation on the ground.

The hierarchy of that Government is clear: there is a President at the top, two Vice Presidents, Prime Minister, two Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers. This is the structure that obtains today in Zimbabwe and is the only Governmental structure obtaining in the country.

As much as the independent media would want to sub-divide this Government, that remains the only legitimate structure in the country and the opposing media should be educated on that structure.

Fredrick Mutangadura
Leicester, UK

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