
Saturday, March 07, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai's wife killed in car accident

Tsvangirai's wife killed in car accident
Our reporter
Fri, 06 Mar 2009 17:03:00 +0000

ZIMBABWE Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai's wife is said to have died in a car accident, according to reports. Tsvangirai is said to be injured but in a stable condition, according to reports from Harare.

The Prime Minister's spokesman James Maridadi told the Zimbabwe Guardian that the car he was travelling in sideswiped a truck along the Harare-Masvingo road near Beatrice. The car was also carrying an aide, he said.

Mrs Tsvangirai is said to have died at the Avenues Clinic in the capital after sustaining multiple fractures, while Tsvangirai is said to be in a stable condition.

The Prime Minister and his wife were on the way to Tsvangirai's hometown of Buhera, south of the capital, when the accident occurred.

MDC spokesman Nelson Chamisa told Reuters news agency that Tsvangirai was not in a critical condition.

"We have just heard that there was an accident of sorts involving the president of the party. Injuries, yes, but not critical condition, we are still assessing the actual condition," he said.

He and his wife Susan, who were married in 1978, had six children.

COMMENT 1 - This could just be a terrible and tragic accident. However, I can't help thinking that there is a huge coincidence in time between this and political events. Only two days before, Morgan Tsvangirai called for the end of sanctions against Zimbabwe. That day, Barack Obama decided to extend sanctions because Zimbabwe's policies pose "a continuing unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the United States". That day, Morgan Tsvangirai, who compromosed on US foreign policy objectives only two days earlier, is injured in a car crash that kills his wife, after being sideswiped by a truck. Coincidence? Or to use the words of that other murdered leader, on the murder of JFK: "The chickens have come home to roost". Let's not forget that the same persons who were involved in the murder of Patrice Lumumba in 1961 and the murder of Laurent Kabila 40 years to the day of the murder of Patrice Lumumba, are still around, still contributing to the Democratic Party, still have the same diamond concessions in the Congo. Maurice Tempelsman, CIA asset at the time of the murder of Lumumba, is a contributor to Hillary Clinton, who of course now is a cabinet member to Barack Obama. Coincidence? I hope the facts will be born out very soon.

COMMENT 2 - It turns out that it this was just a terrible car accident, not a conspiracy. However, even at the beginning, the MDC and BBC were trying to claim government involvement in the issue. All I pointed out in my original comment, is that if anything, the likely details pointed in a different direction - an official shift in MDC policy on land reform and sanctions. Let's hope that this tragedy will bring both sides closer together to solve the problems of Zimbabwe, and bring about a solution that delivers justice to the people of Zimbabwe, not restitution of illegally gained lands to just a few former colonials, but land to all the people, and an end to sanctions.

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