
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Trade Kings dismisses loss of business reports

Trade Kings dismisses loss of business reports
Written by Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 5:01:06 PM

TRADE Kings has dismissed reports that the company has scaled down production as demand on its products takes a beating. Some sources within Trade Kings had disclosed that production days in the company had been reduced from daily to only three days a week.

But in interview yesterday, Trade Kings Group of Companies general manager Siraj Chenia denied the reports, describing them as 'just rumours.'

Chenia said Trade Kings would maintain the same production and employment levels at its plant which is situated in the industrial area of Lusaka off Mumbwa Road.

"We are functioning as normal. We are fully producing. We can't reduce on production because we are a strategic company to the country," said Chenia. "We are also maintaining the same labour force."

When asked whether Trade Kings would consider structural changes to its operations in view of the slowing down economic activities, which has seen a number of companies reposition themselves, Chenia responded: "If there is any change, we will announce it through our public relations unit."

Some sources within Trade Kings recently complained that the company's workers feared for their future following the decision by management to cut down production and mull over the company's workforce.

Trade Kings is a wholly Zambian owned company established in 1995 and specialises in a range of processed foods and other manufactured products in the sub-region and currently employs about 1,100 people.

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