
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ZCTU calls for transparency in sale of public institutions

ZCTU calls for transparency in sale of public institutions
Written by Mutuna Chanda in Kitwe
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:30:49 PM

ZAMBIA Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) general secretary Roy Mwaba has called for transparency in the privatisation of strategic institutions in the country such as Zamtel.

Briefing the press in Kitwe on Wednesday, Mwaba called for caution when handling important institutions such as Zamtel and Zesco because of their strategic nature.

"Government should exercise maximum caution when dealing with such issues as the privatisation of strategic companies like Zamtel and Zesco," he said. "There should be professionalism and transparency applied when handling sensitive institutions as opposed to exerting political influence."

Mwaba also said owing to the global economic crisis, companies including the government were reluctant in proceeding with negotiations over workers' improved conditions of service this year.

He said ZCTU was ready to offer technical expertise to its affiliate unions, which were having difficulties in negotiating with employers in the wake of the economic crisis.

He said there was no meaningful progress between the government and public service workers' unions since the negotiations began three weeks ago.

Recently, Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) general secretary Oswell Munyenyembe stated that owing to the uncertainties relating to the future of Mopani Copper Mines (MCM), talks on improving miners' conditions of service between management and the two mine workers' unions had been suspended until July to review the situation.

However, Mwaba said efforts needed to be made to ensure the protection of workers.

"Efforts should be made by stakeholders to ensure that investors and other employers do not resort to measures that will disadvantage workers such as company closures, retrenchments, violation of workers rights and other informal forms of production in order to cut on production costs," he said. "The state should move hastily in developing interventions in companies where jobs and company assets are under threat. Such interventions should aim at protecting jobs for Zambians and company assets."

He urged the government to urgently introduce measures and economic strategies that would mitigate the negative effects of the recession particularly on the vulnerable groups in society.

Mwaba also demanded that the new constitution should be in place before the 2011 tripartite elections.

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