
Friday, March 20, 2009

Zimbabwe police arrest farmer over Tsvangirai accident video footage

COMMENT - They are now trying to spin, quoting unnamed sources, that the driver of the truck was 'a CIO operative'. The problem with that allegation, is that all fingers point to the white farmers/UK/USA on this issue. Right down from the denial of the lifting of sanctions, to the Prime Minister's statement that land reform will not be turned back, to the crash truck's John Snow International ownership and USAID mission, to now the presence of the picture taking VP of the CFU on the scene, before the arrival of the police. And it could still be an accident, but this is just suspicious.

Zimbabwe police arrest farmer over Tsvangirai accident video footage
Written by George Chellah in Harare
Friday, March 20, 2009 3:54:45 PM

ZIMBABWEAN Police have arrested a commercial farmer, Deon Theron who was found taking video footage at the accident scene where Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's wife died.

Theron was the first person to arrive at the accident scene and is alleged to have taken video footage of the crash before the police arrived. Police chief spokesperson senior assistant commissioner Wayne Bvudzijena confirmed Theron's arrest.

"We have arrested Theron and he is in police custody. He will appear in court on Thursday," Bvudzijena said.

In a latest twist of events, the country's Commercial Farmers Union (CFU), a white farmers' association, has allegedly been implicated in the accident.

Theron, 54 who is the vice-president of the union, is facing charges of obstructing police officers during their duty.

It is believed that Theron had been phoned by some MDC officials just after the news of the accident had spread and he arrived at the scene before police because his farm was within that area.

It is also believed that Theron was tasked to film the accident scene to provide an independent record in case of an inquiry.

Zimbabwean state media on Monday questioned how a team led by Theron was able to be at the scene of the crash, before the police.

Theron and his team had been promptly arrested by police and their photographic equipment seized, before being released later on.

It has also turned out that John Snow International (JSI), a contracting company that owns the ‘killer truck' is headquartered at Agriculture House in Marlborough suburb in Harare.

This building is the headquarters of the Commercial Farmers Union.

However, CFU chief executive officer Hendrik Olivier, in reaction to state The Herald newspaper story, said the article bore no truth.

"On Tuesday 17 March 2009 the Herald newspaper carried a front page article ‘CFU Implicated in Tsvangirai Crash'. The Union is consulting with its legal representative on the article as in our opinion the article bears no truth. We will take the necessary legal action should this be advised and members will be kept informed," Olivier stated.

The union confirmed that its vice-president Theron was called by the Criminal Investigation Department Law and Order Unit of the Zimbabwe Republic Police for questioning regarding the taking of photographs at the site of the Prime Minister's accident.

Olivier stated that Theron had been taken into custody and was being held at Rhodesville Police Station on what would appear charges of "defeating the cause of justice."

There has been controversy surrounding the accident that claimed Prime Minister Tsvangirai's wife, Susan, about two weeks ago, with former information minister and Tsholotsho North independent member of parliament Professor Jonathan Moyo calling for international investigation into the activities of USAID in Zimbabwe.

Prof Moyo's observations forced the US embassy in Harare to deny ownership of the truck that killed the Prime Minister's wife despite the truck bearing US embassy plates.

Another USAID driver, Frank Muchirahondo, is currently facing charges for attempting to assassinate Air Force of Zimbabwe commander, Air Marshal Perence Shiri.

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