
Thursday, April 02, 2009

(DAILY MAIL) SADC decision on Zimbabwe wins support

SADC decision on Zimbabwe wins support

SOME political parties and civil society members have backed the Southern African Development Community (SADC) decision to help Zimbabwe with financial resources to rebuild her economy.

Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) vice president, Chifumu Banda said yesterday in an interview in Lusaka that the SADC decision to help Zimbabwe was a step in the right direction.

Mr Banda said it was also logical for Zambia to contribute towards the rebuilding of Zimbabwe’s economy despite the country having her own problems.
The just ended extraordinary summit of SADC held in Swaziland resolved that member states should contribute US$ 10 billion towards Zimbabwe’s economic recovery.

“I believe the Zambian government will be able to help with what it can afford at the moment,” he said.

Mr Banda said Zimbabwe and Zambia have a cordial relationship and it was imperative for the latter to render support within the country’s resources. He said all the SADC countries would benefit greatly if Zimbabwe’s economy normalised.

And United Party for National Development (UPND) spokesperson, Charles Kakoma said donating resources towards revamping Zimbabwe’s economy was a good idea.
Mr Kakoma, however, said Zambia’s financial contribution may prove difficult because the country was also facing financial difficulties.

“The current national budget which was passed in Parliament has no provision for such commitments because it also has a deficit,” he said.

Mr Kakoma said although UPND was not against the idea of helping Zimbabwe, the party realised that it was a big burden for Zambia.

And the Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) said Zambia had no choice but to render assistance to the rebuilding of the Zimbabwean economy.

SACCORD executive director, Lee Habasonda said since Zambia was an active member of SADC, the country had no alternative but to render financial assistance to the neighbouring state.

Mr Habasonda, however, said had SADC foreseen the problems that are now prevalent in Zimbabwe and acted earlier, the country’s economy would not have deteriorated to such a level.

Mr Habasonda said SADC has no option but to help Zimbabwe overcome her economic malaise.

“If SADC had acted earlier, just like they have done on Madagascar, the Zimbabwean situation would have not been this desperate. It is a lesson to SADC,” he said.

Mr Habasonda said it was unfortunate that at a time when the world was facing an economic meltdown, SADC countries had to contribute financial resources to a member State.

President Banda said on arrival from an extra-ordinary summit in Swaziland that Zambia would soon start working on its financial obligation towards assisting Zimbabwe following the SADC resolution to help the country.

About US$10 billion is required to help rebuild the collapsed Zimbabwean economy.

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