
Monday, April 13, 2009

(DAILY MAIL) State ‘feeds’ flood victims

State ‘feeds’ flood victims

GOVERNMENT has distributed food to 9,129 flood victims in Western Province. President Banda said in Mongu on Saturday that Government was concerned with the plight of over 483,000 people affected by the floods in the province.
He was speaking at Limulunga where he graced this year’s Kuomboka ceremony.

“My Government regrets the overwhelming floods that have affected the Western parts of Zambia and other southern African countries as these have had diverse effects on the investment made by Government so far,” Mr Banda said.

He assured the Litunga that Government was assessing the damage and effect of the floods and would soon send more relief supplies to affected families.

He said Vice-President George Kunda’s recent visit to the province to assess the extent of damage caused by floods revealed that houses, crops, animals and other infrastructure such as roads were extensively damaged and in some cases completely destroyed.

“Although I am yet to receive a full report on this matter, I am aware that a number of bridges have been washed away, making it difficult for people to move around. Major cash crops, such as rice and cassava, are rotting or being destroyed by the floods…” Mr Banda said.

The President had earlier in the day taken an aerial view of flooded areas.

The floods have mainly affected Kalabo, Shangombo, Lukulu and parts of Kaoma and Mongu.

And Mr Banda said Government was committed to fostering development and promotion of culture especially the Kuomboka, which he said he considered to be a masterpiece of oral and intangible cultural heritage for Zambia and the world.

He said the Kuomboka was significant not only because it demonstrated the resilience of the people of Western Province against floods, but also displayed Lozi culture in terms of dressing, music, dance and other indigenous practices.

And Ngambela Imasiku Lyamunga said the Barotse Royal Establishment was grateful for the cooperation with Government, that had resulted in the successful holding of the Kuomboka.

Mr Lyamunga said people of Western Province were behind Mr Banda in last year’s presidential election and that the support saw the result go in his favour.
He said had the people of Western Province voted differently, the result would have been different.

He asked Mr Banda what the people would get in return.

Meanwhile, Zambia News and Information Services reports that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) under the office of the Vice-President has given 30 tents to flood victims in Chief Ntambo's area of the Lunda in Mwinilunga East constituency.

Minister of Gender in Development, Sarah Sayifwanda, presented the tents to the affected families.

Speaking for Vice-President George Kunda, Ms Sayifwanda said Government would always be close to its people, not only during campaign periods.

Ms Sayifwanda, who was accompanied by Mwinilunga East member of Parliament Brian Katoka and Mwinilunga district commissioner Webby Samaseka, said Government was always ready to assist families affected by floods.

She called on all political parties to work with Government and avoid politics of insults.

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