
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Differentiate between politics and national developement- FDD

Differentiate between politics and national developement- FDD
Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 15:41 Headlines 144 views 14 comments

Forum for Democratic Development (FDD) Livingstone District Chairman, Allan Shawa, has described the just-ended national Indaba as a pilot to national development.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Livingstone today, Mr Shawa said submissions made by the delegates at the Indaba were valid and that something will come up from the gathering.

He advised his fellow opposition party members to differentiate between politics and national development as the Indaba was for the sake of national development.

Mr Shawa said those who shunned the Indaba are short-minded because the exercise was meant to benefit everyone, not just individuals.He said he does not fully agree with those who say the Indaba was a waste of tax-payers’ money as it was meant to find a lasting solution to the effects of the global recession Zambia is experiencing.

Mr Shawa said he only hopes that every citizen of this country will ensure that what was resolved during the Indaba is operationalised.

“It is my hope and prayer that what was being said in the Indaba will be put into good effect as you heard a lot of suggestions came up and so did the contributions save their purpose and I think the whole process was a success. I do not regret having my party at the Indaba,” he said.

Vice-President George Kunda in his closing remarks at the just ended two-day Indaba conference, assured the Zambian people that Government will put in action all the views that have been recorded before the Indaba conference.


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