
Thursday, April 30, 2009

(HERALD) Banda urges world to support Zimbabwe

Banda urges world to support Zimbabwe
From Isdore Guvamombe in Bulawayo

Zambian President Mr Rupiah Banda yesterday called on the world to support Zimbabwe in its efforts to revive the economy.

Officially opening the 50th edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair, President Banda said every country in the world was duty-bound to assist Zimbabwe and not isolate it as the inclusive Government moved towards resuscitating the economy.

"It is now an obligation of every nation in the world to support Zimbabwe rather than continuously isolate it and make its people suffer. I have an insight on how the inclusive Government has been working and is still working.

"The people of Zimbabwe should be congratulated for being able to work together after the formation of the inclusive Government. Zimbabweans have found a way of solving their problems on their own and are working well together.

"Only Zimbabweans have the capacity to solve problems facing them," President Banda said.

President Mugabe and several senior Government officials attended the official opening.

The Zambian president said the inclusive Government had given Zimbabweans an opportunity to set in motion the country’s economic revival.

"The inclusive Government has given the people of Zimbabwe a golden opportunity to launch the country’s economic take-off.

"Zimbabwe and Zambia have a lot in common and Zambia will always stand by Zimbabwe. We will share even the little maize we have in Zambia," he said.

President Banda said Zimbabwe and Zambia had taken a common stance on regional matters under Sadc and Comesa, among others.

"Zambia and Zimbabwe have common interests in regional integration initiatives in Comesa, Sadc and the Eastern and Southern Africa, Economic Partnership Agreement and negotiations with the European Union.

"In addition, both Zambia and Zimbabwe have chosen to negotiate with the European Union under the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) forum.

"It is gratifying to note that both countries have taken a common stance with respect to the revision of the Interim Agreement and on related issues, including intellectual property rights, rules of origin and most favoured national treatment," he said.

President Banda said Africa should remain united in its development in order to avoid losing out to the developed world.

"We have to work with great vigour to further improve the economic and physical infrastructure throughout our region. This includes road, rail, air, transport, telecommunications, energy and water.

"We need to increase trade among ourselves so that the fallout from external economic crises such as the recent credit crunch can have minimal adverse effects on us.

"Africa must move and move together. In addition, we must also act together to develop our human capital. Without a skilled and educated population, we cannot achieve the development objective we pursue," he said.

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