
Thursday, April 02, 2009

(HERALD) Sadc nations: Zim’s all-weather friends

Sadc nations: Zim’s all-weather friends

EDITOR — As a Zimbabwean citizen, I would like to extend my thanks to the Southern African family of nations for all they have done for my country in these past few years.

The Southern African Development Community has stood by Zimbabwe through thick and thin and have refused to buckle to Western pressure to abandon the people of this land.

When others were calling for sanctions Sadc stood firm and made decisions based on a spirit of brotherhood that is truly commendable.

Early this week Sadc said it would help Zimbabwe raise US$8,3 billion for its economic turnaround strategies.

This is what friends are for.

After all, today it is Zimbabwe that is under attack and tomorrow who knows who will cross paths with the Americans and British?

This kind of solidarity will only serve to help the region develop. Let us keep the fires of unity burning forever!

James Nduna.

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