
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

(HERALD) Zanu-PF, MDC tackle Europe over sanctions

Zanu-PF, MDC tackle Europe over sanctions
Herald Reporter

ZANU-PF and MDC legislators and their colleagues from the Caribbean and Pacific bloc have started lobbying the European Union for the removal of illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe, since the inclusive Government was now running smoothly.

The lobbying took centre stage at the African Caribbean and Pacific and European Union parliamentary session held recently in the Czech Republic.

Zanu-PF, MDC and the ACP bloc resolved in a caucus meeting that sanctions against Zimbabwe should now be lifted immediately because it was no longer necessary to continue the embargo before tabling the resolutions to their EU counterparts.

The EU legislators, however said they wanted to observe the progress of the inclusive Government before committing themselves. The Zimbabwean delegation argued that there was no longer any justification for the maintenance of sanctions.

The ACP-EU met in the last two weeks of March in the Czech Republic, where legislators from the bloc discussed various issues affecting member countries.

Head of the Zimbabwe delegation, Rushinga Senator Damien Mumvuri (Zanu-PF) said Zimbabwe had received overwhelming support from African, Pacific and Caribbean countries who concurred that the embargo was no longer necessary.

Other members from the Zimbabwean delegation, which returned home on Good Friday, are Matobo Senator Sithembile Mlotshwa (MDC-T) and Gwanda North House of Assembly Thandeko Mnkandla (MDC).

Lawmakers from the EU said they would monitor political developments in the country before considering lifting the sanctions.

"We raised the issue of sanctions and we were encouraged by the support we got from our African brothers, and those from the Caribbean and Pacific countries. They agreed with us that the time has now come to have these sanctions removed," said Sen Mumvuri.

"The EU maintained their reservations saying they were not yet satisfied with the political environment in our country. They said they were still observing if there were tangible results to talk about. They said they will, however, continue to give humanitarian aid to Zimbabwe."

Sen Mumvuri took over as head of the Zimbabwe delegation to the ACP-EU parliamentary sessions from Cde Forbes Magadu, the former Chitungwiza senator.

Mrs Mlotshwa replaced Communication Information Technology Minister Nelson Chamisa, who ceased to be a member when he was appointed to Cabinet.

Zimbabwe has resolved to engage the EU and other Western countries to remove the sanctions following the formation of the inclusive Government.

Sadc has pledged to assist Zimbabwe in this regard and has since dispatched teams of ministers to the United States and the EU to lobby for the lifting of the illegal sanctions and canvass economic support for the inclusive Government.

Meanwhile, Kadoma Member of the House of Assembly Editor Matamisa (MDC-T) is expected to replace Ms Paurina M’pariwa as a member of the Pan African Parliament.

Ms M’pariwa is now the Minister of Labour.

Other members of the PAP include Mberengwa West House of Assembly Cde Joram Gumbo (Zanu-PF), president of the Chiefs Council Chief Fortune Charumbira, Gwanda Central Member of the House of Assembly Mr Patrick Dube (MDC) and Bikita Senator Kokerai Rugara (MDC-T.)

Ms Matamisa is expected to be sworn-in as a member of PAP when the continental body sits in Midrand, South Africa, next month.

The ACP-EU session coincided with Inter-Parliamentary Union held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Speaker of the House of Assembly Lovemore Moyo led the Zimbabwean delegation to the meeting.

Other members to the IPU are Kambuzuma Member of the House of Assembly Mr Willias Madzimure (MDC-T), Zvimba Senator Virginia Muchenje (Zanu-PF) and Nkayi North Member of the House of Assembly Mr Abednico Bhebhe (MDC).

The IPU, which brings together parliamentarians from across the world, meets twice a year to discuss global issues.

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