
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) Communications and Transport Minister Dora Siliya tenders in her resignation

Communications and Transport Minister Dora Siliya tenders in her resignation
Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 20:08

Communications and Transport Minister, Dora Siliya, has resigned from her ministerial position. And President, Rupiah Banda, has accepted Ms. Siliya’s resignation.

A statement issued by State House Chief Analyst for Press and Public Relations Dickson Jere says the president has also thanked Ms. Siliya for her contribution to the development of the country.

The statement says Ms. Siliya decided to step down in view of the findings of the Tribunal that probed her alleged abuse of office.

And President Banda has noted that the Tribunal did find as a fact that Ms. Siliya was somewhat misled by the confusion in the Attorney General’s chambers.

The President has accordingly decided to re-organise the Attorney General’s Chambers in a bid to prevent the reoccurance of the same confusion in future.

Mr. Banda said he will table before cabinet the MOU signed with RP Capital Partners over the evaluation of ZAMTEL assets, for determination.

He urged the nation not to lose focus on various problems facing ZAMTEL and the plight of its workers.

The President has observed that ZAMTEL has continued to acrue huge debts which need to be resolved before the situation gets out of hand.

Meanwhile, President Banda has urged people who are not happy with the findings of the Tribunal to avoid making unwarranted statements in the press.

He said the normal procedures provided for in the law should be followed as opposed to attacking the Tribunal.

He said the findings of the Tribunal showed that Zambia’s judiciary is independent and must be supported at all times.

The Tribunal found that Ms. Siliya had breached Article 54 of the constitution by ignoring the Attorney General’s Legal advise on the MOU between government and RP Capital Partners.

The Tribunal chaired by Judge Dennis Chirwa however, cleared Ms. Siliya on allegations that she breached part two of the parliamentary and ministerial code of conduct.


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