
Saturday, April 25, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) Magande annoys Teta

Magande annoys Teta
Saturday, April 25, 2009, 17:11

THE ruling MMD has asked former Minister of Finance and National Planning Ng’andu Magande to immediately stop making unwarranted statements about the resignation of former Minister of Communications and Transport, Dora Siliya.

MMD chairperson for information and publicity, Benny Tetamashimba, said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that it is unfortunate that Mr Magande can ask a fellow parliamentarian to resign when he is not a spokesperson for the party or the National Assembly.

“We are advising Magande to keep quiet because he is not the party spokesperson. He isn’t even spokesperson for Parliament. Who is he speaking for?” Mr Tetamashimba, who is also Minister of Local Government and Housing, asked.

He said it was unthinkable for Mr Magande to ask Ms Siliya to resign as a member of Parliament (MP).

Mr Tetamashimba said Mr Magande should have been the first to resign after information surfaced that he allegedly supported an attempt to bail out the defunct Zambian Airways.

“He, therefore, cannot condemn Ms Siliya. Infact, he failed to bring votes for President Banda during last year’s elections in his constituency. So, he should keep quiet,” Mr Tetamashimba said.

Mr Magande, who is Chilanga MMD Member of Parliament was yesterday quoted in The Post newspaper as having demanded the resignation of Ms Siliya as an MP.

He was reported to have said Ms Siliya cannot continue to hold her position in Parliament.

Mr Magande was also quoted as having said that President Banda should not have accepted Ms Siliya’s resignation as Minister of Communications and Transport because he is still studying the findings of the tribunal.

He said as an MP and Cabinet minister, Ms Siliya swore to uphold the constitution.

Mr Magande said if Ms Siliya committed an offence against the constitution, she could not hold a position in a place where the constitution was paramount law.
[Zambia Daily Mail]

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