
Saturday, April 25, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) PF welcomes ANC victory in SA elections

PF welcomes ANC victory in SA elections
Saturday, April 25, 2009, 11:52

The Patriotic Front (PF) says the much awaited victory of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa is a true sign of the people’s will.

In an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka yesterday, PF spokesperson Given Lubinda said the South African election had an impact on everyone living in the sub-Saharan region .

Mr. Lubinda observed that the aspect of shortage of ballot papers at most polling stations is not a good thing considering the fact that South Africa has one of the heaviest investments in terms of human and economic resources in Southern Africa.

He, however, said the incident should not be seen as a plan by the ruling party to rig elections as such things do happen.

He said the win by the ANC is a welcome thing considering the fact that the elections were free and fair and that the will of the people must be respected by all peace loving south Africans despite their different races.

Mr. Lubinda said the people of South Africa have expressed their will and decided that Jacob Zuma should govern the country. He said the region should, therefore, respect the election of Jacob Zuma as new South African President.

He expressed happiness at the manner in which the general election was conducted and that South African’s still have confidence in the ruling ANC. He added that it is a good thing that the National Prosecuting Authority has cleared Zuma of all his charges.


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