
Friday, April 03, 2009

Masebo advises women to stop harmful traditions

Masebo advises women to stop harmful traditions
Written by Masuzyo Chakwe in Chongwe
Friday, April 03, 2009 6:43:04 PM

THERE is need to do away with traditions that are harmful to women and contribute to the spread of HIV and AIDS, Chongwe MMD member of parliament Sylvia Masebo has said.
Addressing Chongwe marketeers on Thursday, Masebo advised women to teach their children biblical teachings because unlike in the past, HIV and AIDS was now in people's homes.

"Issues like when a man sleeps around and when he comes at 04:00am in the morning, you are not supposed to question him because men are like that - that is wrong. There are diseases and you will be killing yourself," she said. "HIV is not found with prostitutes or in bars, it is now in homes because men have extra-marital affairs and concurrent sexual partners. It is now in homes where you respected women live."

She advised women to tell their husbands to use condoms and that the notion that condoms were for prostitutes should come to an end.

Masebo said it was unfair for people to die from HIV and AIDS in this age when testing and treatment was free and readily available.

She said women should start talking to their children about HIV and AIDS because children today start having sex at an early age.

Masebo also observed that lack of recreation activities in Chongwe forced children to patronise bars, adding that the council had this year budgeted for a park.

Earlier, the marketeers called for legislation that would make willful transmission of HIV a punishable offence.

They also agreed that defilement should not be bailable offence and that stiffer punishments should be given to perpetrators.

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