
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

(NYASATIMES) ATC reduces fertliser prices

ATC reduces fertliser prices
Nyasa Times
07 April, 2009 02:24:00

The Agricultural Trading Company (ATC) has announced that it has reduced the prices of fertilizer in Malawi.

According to a media statement made available to Nyasa Times, ATC said Calcium Ammonium Nitrate has been reduced from MK7, 200 to MK4, 330 representing 40 % price cut.

Urea fertilizer has been reduced with 46 % from MK9, 940 to MK5, 330. ATC has also reduced 23:21:0+4S which was selling at MK11, 010 to MK5, 180 representing 53% cut.

D. Compound fertiliser will be sold at MK6, 600 from MK11, 360 while Super D. Compound will be sold at MK7, 810 from MK13, 580 representing price reduction of 42 and 445 percent respectively.

“The company has taken this noble act having noted with pleasure the general downward trend of fertilizer and oil prices on the international market,” said a media statement.

“As a local company, ATC has therefore reduced fertilizer prices in a bid to pass the benefits of price reduction to the Malawian farming community,” the statements reads.

The company said it believes the price reduction of fertiliser will enable many Malawians “access this very important farm input, improve agricultural production and productivity thereby spur further the economic growth of the country. “

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