
Friday, April 17, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Gwanda backs MCP, UDF alliance

Gwanda backs MCP, UDF alliance
Nyasa Times
16 April, 2009 11:47:00

New Republican Party (NRP) president Gwanda Chakuamba has thrown his political heavyweight to the electoral alliance of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and United Democratic Front (UDF).

Chakuamba said he was the first person to call for MCP leader John Tembo to work together with UDF and former president Bakili Muluzi to form the next government. The veteran politician said he was happy that MCP and UDF have reached an agreement to work together and he said the agenda is not only to remove incumbent from power.

“I am supporting the alliance and will go flat out to campaign for it. I will camp in Lower Shire to sell this ticket and go all over to campaign for the alliance with all my energies,” said Chakuamba.

He said the agenda of the alliance is to “uphold the constitution, restore democracy and enhance good governance.”

“The law has been applied selectively during the rule of the current administration,” said Chakuamba citing suffocation of anti-defection law, Section 65.

He also said failure to call parliament in time and appointing people in public positions without the authority of parliament thereby violating the constitution.

Chakuamba said the Grand Alliance will ensure to develop Malawi and share the development cake equally to all parts of the country.

NRP leader said there were many ills in the country that need to be reversed by change of leadership.

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