
Sunday, April 12, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Malawi must convert to federal state, says NARC

Malawi must convert to federal state, says NARC
Font size: Charles Kufa 12 April, 2009 02:16:00

The National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) says the country can only enjoy even distribution of development if it is converted into a federal state of system and not the current structure.

NARC vice president Beatrice Mwale who is also the party’s runningmate said the current system only favours some regions of the country leaving out others in as far as development is concerned.

She said her party will turn Malawi into a federal republic once it takes over reigns of power after the May 19 parliamentary and presidential elections.

Mwale cited the northern region as one area that is still lagging behind in structural development, over four decades after the country attained independence.

“There is no plausible and evenly distributed development in this country… The northern region is worse, it is still lurching in underdevelopment.

“All the three presidents who have ruled this nation have not assisted the region in as far as development is concerned, every tangible development takes place either in the central or southern region,” she said.

She said once they take over government her party will turn all the regions into state for evenly distribution of wealth.

“The states will be able to know what is lacking and funds will be channeled into the right projects,” she said.

NARC, launched last year by former Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) sole parliamentarian, Loveness Gondwe, is the first party to come up with the female presidential aspirants since the inception of multiparty in 1994.

Gondwe formed NARC after AFORD, the party she represented since 1994 refused to endorse her as presidential candidate during a controversial national convention which was held in Blantyre.

While in the National Assembly, Gondwe rose higher than any other woman parliamentarian and was at some point voted to the position of First Deputy Speaker.

NARC says if elected, it would also like to make more employment opportunities available to the youth. In Malawi unemployment rate currently stands at 45.5 percent.

The party says it will also improve the conditions of service for civil servants, one of the lowly paid in the world, and to support small holder farmers who play a big role in Malawi’s economy, which is predominantly agricultural.

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