
Thursday, April 30, 2009

(NYASATIMES) Mpinganjira says Mutharika out of power on May 19

Mpinganjira says Mutharika out of power on May 19
Thom Chiumia 30 April, 2009 11:21:00

Malawi’s prospective next Vice President Brown Mpinganjira has said the MCP-UDF alliance is indeed formidable and that it will achieve is common goal to defeat incumbent Bingu wa Mutharika in the May 19 elections.

Mpinganjira has also said after winning the elections, the MCP-UDF alliance government lead by President John Tembo will not have a honeymoon but work tirelessly in the first 100 days to work on development agenda.

“Everybody can see our Chances are probably brightest right now. You have to bear in mind that MCP on its own was capable of beating DPP, and you also accept that UDF on its own was capable of beating DPP then you bring those two together will be a mismatch,” said Mpinganjira fondly called BJ .

The firebrand politician said DPP and Mutharika will be defeated thoroughly in the elections.

“I don’t see how DPP can introduce anything calling a good second. I think they will be very very bad second,” said BJ.

Tembo’s running mate was speaking on Day Break Malawi programme on Capital FM radio monitored online on Thursday.

Asked why he was not given chance to speak during the two join rallies by Tembo and UDF national chairman Bakili Muluzi in Blantyre and Lilongwe, Mpinganjira said it was by design.

“It is by design I was not the only person that did not speak. Because of time limitation we had two regional governors in the south and the two principals, Right Hon John Tembo and His Excellency Dr Muluzi speaking. I don’t think I could have done anyway better than the two did. If anything it could just have been repetition,” said BJ one of the founders of UDF party.

Mpinganjira regarded as a political kingpin from Sapitwa region [Mulanje, Thyolo, Phalombe) said all is well in the alliance.

“All is well, there so many opportunities for everybody else to speak, I have my own rallies, the two principals Right Hon John Tembo the presidential candidate and the former president are well capable and they lived up to people's expectations,” he said.

When pressed to explain on the “hiccups” on his UDF membership, Mpinganjira said the mist has been cleared.

“You probably used the right word hiccups; you do have these hiccups in every situation and in every institution. It is not unique to politics alone and it is not unique to UDF alone. My relationship with my colleques in UDF are quite normal now and the relationship with the Chair [Muluzi] could not have been better than today,” said Vice Presidential nominee.

Mpinganjira showered praise to former president Muluzi as a shrewd politician who can only be ignored on one’s peril.

“You must remember that Dr Muluzi is a political engineer and you lose the sight of the fact, you miss a lot of things, you keep that at the back of your mind all the time you will not be taken by surprise on some developments,” said BJ.

Mpinganjira said MCP-UDF alliance will win the elections handsomely and that Tembo will be sworn-in as new Malawi President.

“Because we do believe that we will still achieve our goal of ensuring that President Mutharika is no longer president after the 19th of May,” confident sounding Mpinganjira said.

Asked what the Tembo administration will do in the first 100 days, Mpinganjira said there will be no honeymoon.

“We need to instantly to start planning local government elections. We need to bring our democracy back on track.

“Level s of poverty are unacceptable; we have to bring measures to reduce the levels of poverty. The civil servants their morale is low, we have to boost their morale to expect them to tick,” he said.

Mpinganjira also said on day one of the alliance government, they will abolish the coupon fertiliser system and introduce Universal Fertliser subsidy.

He also alleged that President Mutharika is again selling maize to Zimbabwe.

“Government once again are trying to sell maize to Zimbabwe,” said BJ.

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