
Sunday, April 26, 2009

OMNIA defends FSP

OMNIA defends FSP
Written by Ernest Chanda
Sunday, April 26, 2009 2:52:41 PM

OMNIA Fertiliser Zambia has defended the Fertiliser Support Programme (FSP), saying it has worked well so far in the country. And the parliamentary committee on land and agriculture on Friday sent back Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ) management to redo their submission.

The committee, which was chaired by Kalomo UPND member of parliament Request Muntanga, was looking at the performance of the FSP.

Appearing before the committee, managing director Bertie Serfontein said the FSP worked better than the proposed voucher system.

"In our view, the FSP has so far worked well, although we know there have been some problems here and there. And we know people are talking of introducing the voucher system, but it would be better to work on the problems encountered in the FSP than start a new process. We are aware of the various problems encountered in the voucher system because we run a fertiliser programme in Malawi as well. And the voucher system has proved to have more problems than the Fertiliser Support Programme," Serfontein said. "I'm simply saying why do you stop a system that is already working and then start something else instead of improving on the already existing system? Starting from the scratch always brings problems. It's like changing your Zambian law from Roman law to English law. You will have to start all over again."

And Muntanga asked NCZ chief executive officer Richard Soko to resubmit a written and detailed survival plan for the company.

"This committee deals with written submissions, and when you talk about figures we want to see them on paper. This will help us argue with government on your behalf so that even if we say give NCZ K150 billion we shall have the figures to refer to. Remember you are competing against organisations which believe that you are only standing there doing nothing. Give us figures that will show how you can defend yourselves from these attacks. Show how you propose to produce fertiliser cheaper than your competitors and come back to us on the 5th of May," said Muntanga.

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