
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rupiah is admitting failure, says HH

Rupiah is admitting failure, says HH
Written by Chibaula Silwamba
Saturday, April 11, 2009 6:05:48 AM

RUPIAH Banda is admitting his failure by acknowledging that the big portion of the national budget goes to salaries of only a few people, UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has charged.

And Hichilema charged that President Banda was camouflaging himself from his responsibilities by calling for an indaba which did not come up with any new and extraordinary solutions to the current economic crisis the country was facing.

Commenting on President Banda’s statement to World Bank vice-president for Africa Obiageli Ezekwesili on Thursday at State House that the big portion of Zambia’s national budget goes to pay salaries of only a few people and that all leaders have to give up some of their privileges, Hichilema said he and his party had constantly advised President Banda and his government to reduce expenditure on salaries and consumption in general but they did not heed the advice.

He said UPND did a budget critic and suggested that the budget should be adjusted but President Banda and his government did not listen.

“Has he just realised that now? It’s strange that Rupiah Banda has realised now that most money in the budget is spent on salaries and other consumption expenditures,” Hichilema said.

He said the budget should have focused on the economic challenges but it was unfortunate that the government focused on consumption expenditure.

“As long as you have Rupiah there and an inherent corrupt MMD in office, this country is going nowhere,” Hichilema said.

“Rupiah has realised after passing the budget; that means their priorities are wrong. This is what we call thinking upside down. They put all priorities on consumption because they had already increased their salaries. That is the first bill he signed when he came into office. If the President is complaining, who is the chief executive of Zambia, so who is he complaining to? He is now admitting his failure.”

Hichilema said Zambians had been given a clear picture and they know that President Banda is a failure.

President Banda on Thursday said those in leadership positions should give up some of their privileges, saying a big portion in the national budget goes towards paying salaries of only a few individuals.

"Those of us that are in positions of fortune or leadership have to give up some of our privileges. That means all leaders, politicians, ministers, civil servants. If you look at our budget for instance, the big portion of it goes to salaries of only a few people," President Banda said as he looked where ministers were seated.

And Hichilema observed that last weekend’s national indaba did not come up with any new resolutions to help the country cushion itself from the current global economic crisis, which was affecting Zambia. He said people, political parties and other organisations that boycotted the indaba would be vindicated because the consultative conference did not achieve anything.

Hichilema said the MMD was trying to disguise its failure by calling for the indaba.

“They have failed to address the problem of high mealie-meal prices. Do you need an Indaba to reduce prices of mealie-meal? Do you need to an indaba to reduce electricity tariffs? They have allowed Zesco to increase electricity tariffs by 66 per cent when over 80 per cent of Zambians can’t access electricity,” Hichilema said.

“That indaba for me was just a sheer waste of time and money. I can assure you that those of us who didn’t attend the indaba are being vindicated, we will be proved right.”

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