
Thursday, April 30, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Donors urged to support Zimbabwe

Donors urged to support Zimbabwe
Philip Murombedzi
Wed, 29 Apr 2009 01:56:00 +0000

Minister of Industry and Commerce, Prof Welshman Ncube (L) and Minister for Economic Planning and Investment, Elton Mangoma

THE Minister of Industry and Commerce says the inclusive Government of Zimbabwe has made significant progress in its short life, but donors need to help the country to move forward.

Welshman Ncube, who is also the Secretary General of the smaller formation of the Movement for Democratic Change told Dutch radio that economic and political recovery was already underway in Zimbabwe, but would need donor support to be completely realised..

"So far [the new inclusive Government] has made tremendous progress in the short life it has had. It has brought back hope to the people of Zimbabwe, started on some democratic reforms, started on economic reforms. Things are now on the right track," says Ncube.

Ncube added that it was now time for donor countries to "show faith" in the inclusive Government.

"Zimbabwe is fragile. It needs urgent assistance. Donor countries need to show faith in this inclusive Government," said Ncube.

Ncube's sentiments were supported by the Minister for Economic Planning and Investment, Elton Mangoma who was also in the Netherlands attending meetings..

Mangoma said: "We have started well. There are of course challenges, there are still farm invasions taking place. We have now had all the political prisoners released, which is a huge plus on the side of the inclusive government. There's still a lot of work to be done but much of the foundation work has already been done."

And while there is concern in the Movememnt for Democratic Change party about the long-term stability of the inclusive Government, both men are upbeat about the future. What Zimbabwe needs now, says Mr Mangoma, is a little help from its friends.

"We will succeed with or without international support. But without it, it will be painful, it will be slow it will be long. But with international support we will move very quickly to a different Zimbabwe.

"A democratic, prosperous Zimbabwe, which respects human rights, which respects the rule of law... And we are saying to the international community, help us achieve this, by giving us the capacity to do the things we have committed ourselves to do."

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